Think Daily by Larry Janesky
We're all writers

We all need to communicate and want to influence others.  Learn to write well.   How?  Read and listen to books.  Then practice.  Strive to be a clear and compelling communicator.

Families together is important

Our subscriber Willis Ponds commented about another thing that is critically important that few talk about; the breakdown of the family structure. He says "That is one of the single-most destructive problems facing today’s society. Children that come out of broken homes statistically don’t do as well in life, aren’t…

Wherever you go, there you are.

Problems?  Move away.  Get a new job.  A new partner.  A new house.  (Sometimes those things are key but..) You can't escape you. Your habits.  Your thinking.  How you process information.  Your attitude and mindset. From the inner - the outer. Work on you - first.

Behavior comes before results

Your behavior is ahead of your success.   Act like the person, BE the person who gets the results you want now - before you get those results, often long before - and the results will eventually come. What kind of person do you need to be today?

In defense of capitalism

Capitalism, free-market capitalism specifically, has done more than any other thing/idea/system to solve problems for all of us, raise our standard of living, and pull billions out of poverty.  Critics of capitalism are hypocrites unless they do not have a phone, live in a hut, raise sheep to make their…

Goals give us the opportunity to define what we want

What is your goal for this year?  This month?  This week?  Five years?  Ten years? In other words, what do you want to accomplish or be by when? Most people have no real goals that stretch them.  They seek to blend in, doing what is expected of them and not…

"The good 'ol days"

Subscriber Kevin M made a comment about the post where we said poverty has and is going down because of free markets and capitalism.  He pointed out that some people long for the "good 'ol days", but in fact, they weren't so good compared to today. For example, I think…

The Ripple Effect

Your actions affect your life, and those of your family members and friends. Their actions affect their friends, and so on.  In this way, we can make the world immediately around us better or worse. Honestly, how have your actions affected the people around you and the people around them?…

What brings you joy?

What do you just love to do, with who, and where?  How can you increase the number of those moments in your life?

Don't fool yourself

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself- and you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman We tend to believe every thought we think because we thought it.  We try to protect our ego and justify our positions and look for evidence we are right…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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