Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Earn respect by your choices.

We make countless choices each day.  Some very small, and some large.  Some are easy and some are difficult. From what to wear today to going all-in on the important project. From whether to smile at people, to who to call to learn something or tap into a better network.…

The Sandra Weiler Story – what YOU did!

Back in 2016, I walked into a coffee shop and while I was waiting I looked at the front page of the newspaper.  Above the fold, I could see a lead story about a woman with cerebral palsy who lives alone in her own home being evicted by the bank. …

If you watch this at work you will be fired.   This is a link to a 72-minute video.  That's why you don't want to watch it at work.  It's too long. It's a keynote speech I did in 2017.  About 15 minutes in I begin telling stories from 12 people. Their stories are remarkable - and they are…

A Leading Cause of Death

Deaths from car crashes, drug overdoses and firearms - together they don't kill 1/3 as many people as this one - FOOD. Many of us a digging our graves with our teeth every day. I know - food is so good!  I LOVE ice cream!  I love lots of bad…

Focus and Faith

Focus on one thing - that most important thing.   Have faith - "not messin' around" faith. Faith raises your frequency.  You shift from doubt and fear to positive expectation - you see things you didn't before. Whatever it is, focus and faith, mixed with positive action, is the combination you…

Who are you?

"To understand the mind of a person look at what they have already achieved, and what they aspire to do." What have you achieved?  What do you actively aspire to do? If you were someone else, looking at what you have done in the past and what you aspire to…

Ask better questions

"If we would have new knowledge, we must get a whole world of new questions." - Suzanne K. Langer If you are not making progress but swear you are giving the right answers, it's time to ask some different and better questions. What are the most important issues in your…

What have you become?

"In the last analysis what we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do." - Stephen Covey All your thinking and all your actions based on that thinking all these years - what has it led to? What have you become?


"This communicating of a man's self to his friend works two contrary effects, for it redoubleth joys, and cutteth griefs in half." - Francis Bacon Having great friends is part of living a long satisfying life.  I don't mean the friends you party with, or the ones you see here…


"Once a human being arrives on this earth, communication is the single factor determining what kind of relationships she or he makes with others and what happens to them in the world." - Virginia Satir Communication is an art and a skill.  It's how we tell the world who we…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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