Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Round Trip – part 2

The race was Friday.  It was the Sunday before.  Dustin and I climbed in the pre-runner, a second race car we used to pre-run the race.  These cars take a lot of punishment.  You don’t want to beat up your race car for 1000 miles and then race it.  Stuff…

Round Trip – Part 1

It was a dry cough.  No big deal.  Five days to leave for Baja.    We had won the Baja 1000 race last year – when it was 1311 miles long, one way from LaPaz to Ensenada.  An epic win.  Winning the longest non-stop off-road race in the world can only…

Life is simple

Master the basics - the fundamentals.  Don't complicate it by looking for a magic bullet. Grand goals are made up of not-so-grand steps taken with concentration and self-discipline while nobody is looking.   Even a not-so-grand but good, healthy, happy life is the same way. Do you have the fundamentals right?

The right thing is not always fun

Self-discipline is necessary to succeed. To achieve what we want, we have to do what we don't want. Can you do things you don't really want to do by keeping your focus on your higher-level goal or purpose?

Ignore the man on the couch

The man in the ring, in the game, in the struggle to do better and achieve worthy goals, should ignore criticism and opinions from the man on the couch.

Choose a different set of risks

On one hand you risk getting to the end and never having tried, gone there, seeing it, saying that, accomplished that.... and dying with your song still inside you. On the other hand you may be uncomfortable, look a little silly at first, be criticized, or stumble a few times…

Courage Required

Active pursuit of a better you and climbing toward something better requires courage. Goals - Let's go!

Re-think you

You're life. You're in charge. How's this going to turn out? What's next then?

Trying Harder

For some, they need to try harder. But for people who are really trying, trying harder is often not the answer. The dead fly on the windowsill tried really hard to break through the glass with his head.  He gave his life trying harder.  Meanwhile there was an open window…

Seeing Straight

Some people see obstacles. Exceptional people see the way - they see possibilities. What do you see?

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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