Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Sleep is an act of caring

When you sleep ENOUGH, your body will heal, your energy stores will replenish themselves, and your spirit will rise - and this makes the next day a good day! Sleep enough.  Start early.

Get Karma on your side!

Having a bad day?  Things keep going against you? Keep giving to other quality people and helping them. With this attitude - it will get better!

"Target Practice"

This from Darren Hardy -  Target Practice - 0) Accept your current reality. 1) What do you want? (be clear) 2) What can you do right now to get more of what you want? 3) Take action.

Wealth, health and happiness

We pursue the big 3 wants in life - wealth, health and happiness - and we pursue them in that order. But the importance is in reverse. Happiness, health and then wealth. Of course, it is far easier to be happy if you have your health, but if you don't,…


What if you were great at work four days a week and one day a week you slacked off? What if you kept your promises most of the time? What if you were nice to your spouse five times out of six? What if you worked out only when you…

Being a problem solver

One way to earn respect and advance in any group is to be a problem solver. Problems always come up, and the more we are trying to change things (the greater the goals) the more problems there are to solve. Some people complain and whine, and many wait for someone…

Defects in conversation

Building rapport with someone is how you connect with them to get cooperation, build personal and professional relationships, and be able to get things done in the future by knowing so many people, and just the right one to call in any given situation. Conversation is how we start. Some…

Opportunities come by creation

"Opportunities in life come by creation, not by chance.   You yourself, either now or in the past...have created all opportunities that arise in your path.  Since you have earned them, use them to the best advantage." - Paramahansa Yogananda What opportunities have you created for you? In the coming years,…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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