Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Create and give more value than you consume

You get rewarded in life based on your contribution to others.   If you give more than you take, you will almost always be in a good position. Can you see that in people around you? How is that working out for you?


No matter what you do, you can do it with kindness toward other people.  Being kind is a gift that can make you feel better. "A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees." - Amelia Earhart "When I…

Eliminate options

It's an amazing time to be alive.  Because of the freedom our forefathers constructed, the rule of law, and free market capitalism, we all (in countries with these ingredients) have countless options for what to eat tonight, how to entertain ourselves, who to date, and what to do with our…

Nothing to lose

When it comes to living full out and growing towards all the potential inside you, many people live small thinking they have something to lose. But the most precious thing you have to lose is the opportunity while you are here, and it is slipping by day after day if…

Fooling Yourself

When I was a kid, say about 12 years old, somehow I became a big Styx fan.  That's a band if you don't know. They had this album at the time called "The Grand Illusion".  I just loved it.  On the album was a song called "Fooling Yourself".   I think…

Live in the world of your choosing

Your world is what you pay attention to.  It's not what others are trying to present to you.  There is so much of that that you can't pay attention to even a fraction of it anyway - so you have to choose. You don't have to live in the same…

Is this within my control?

When dealing with issues and things that come up, a good question to ask is "Is this within my control?" I don't like spending lots of time and mental and emotional energy on things that are not.  In the end, you get the rug pulled out, and you've wasted lots…

Inspiration or desperation?

"We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons; inspiration or desperation." - Jim Rohn Some people wait until their back is against the wall or they hit bottom to change themselves.   Some change and improve on their own so bad things don't happen in the first place. I'd rather…

Pain, Uncertainty and Hard Work.

If you want to live a fulfilling life and use more of the potential inside you, you will not escape pain, uncertainty and hard work.  In fact, that's what it takes to get there. Of course, if you make very little of your life and do the least and contribute…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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