Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Free People Live Longer

An experiment was done with elderly people in nursing homes.  Half of them were told they had control over their schedules, and the other half were told that their schedules would be set for them.  The group who had control lived longer. Let's stay free, and be in control of…

It's a sin to quit

Etymologically the word "sin" means to essentially "miss the mark", as an archer who misses their target. If you miss, take another shot!  

Feed the positive

Negativity destroys performance.   You will never outperform your own beliefs and expectations. Feed the positive.

"Success" is up to you

Success should be measured by you and how you live compared to the vision you have of your best self. BUT - your vision will be based on you knowing your potential and what is available to YOU. Do you recognize what you can do now?

Have good bad days

People talk about "raising the roof" - having better "best days".  But progress toward your most important meaningful goals takes many many days.   How about days when we don't feel it, have a setback or when things don't go our way? "Raising the basement" and having better bad days can…

Beat yesterday

Don't compare yourself to anyone else but who you were yesterday. Make you proud.   Beat yesterday.

Highly connected – and lonely

People today, especially young people, are more connected than ever, yet more lonely than ever. People need in-person interaction.  We need social circles that support healthy behavior.  We need to get together with groups of people who share the same interest that they understand - and understand them.  We need…

Your yesterdays created your today

Health, finances, reputation, friends, relationships, fulfillment - good or bad - you did this to yourself. If you want something to change, you have to change how you think and who you are being each day. What is it?

Learning a lesson before you need it

Lately, I have come across several decision points where I knew what to do beforehand because of what I have learned along my journey.  The answer was counter to my immediate human emotional urge, but I knew that long term it was the right thing to do - so I…

What are you doing this year?

It's 2023.   What are you going to do this year that is memorable, fun, exciting, and/or a big step forward for you this year? It's March now.  Get on it!

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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