Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Re-think you

You're life. You're in charge. How's this going to turn out? What's next then?

Trying Harder

For some, they need to try harder. But for people who are really trying, trying harder is often not the answer. The dead fly on the windowsill tried really hard to break through the glass with his head.  He gave his life trying harder.  Meanwhile there was an open window…

Seeing Straight

Some people see obstacles. Exceptional people see the way - they see possibilities. What do you see?

Uncommon Sense

To be be above rise above the crowd.... You can't be normal. This may look weird to others, and you may question yourself. But you have to spend your time doing what others don't, so you can get the results others won't.

Flawed conclusions

Here is what I am telling you -  Years ago, you accepted flawed conclusions about yourself. Then you began to live as if these warped ideas were true. Well - you were wrong. You underestimated yourself.

Old you/new you – choose just one

To be a new and better you, you have to let go of the old you. The new you will have different habits and behaviors and patterns of thinking than the old you. You have to let go of what you are used to in order to get better. You…

Doubt is the enemy

The number one thing holding you back is your own doubt and disbelief in your ability. In most cases, the only reason you can't is because you think you can't. When it comes to what is really important to you and what you really want, doubt is not allowed.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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