Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Life Phases

1) Stuff - I need stuff.  Stuff is cool when I get it. 2) More stuff - If some is good, more is better. 3) Different stuff - I want certain stuff I like. 4) Purpose, Philanthropy, Helping Others - stuff doesn't turn me on anymore.  Now I want to…

You're in charge.

"When life gets tough, some of us feel that we've lost and life has won.  But life isn't trying to defeat you.  Life isn't even a participant - the game is yours." - Mo Gaudat The game is yours. You are in charge of your own life. Let's go.

Do you have ADD?

Many people have it. Their lives are not what they could be because of it. It's so sad. ADD. Adventure Deficit Disorder. When was the last time you went on an "adventure"?  That doesn't mean traveling to the next state to sit by a pool.  It means when you try…

Seize Opportunity

"Any man who has been successful has leapt at the opportunity chance provides."  - Doris Kearns Goodwin Some people say they don't get opportunities.  I think opportunity has come into sight to many people, but they just don't recognize it.  The more you learn the more opportunity you see.  You…

Wisdom = K + E + R

Wisdom = Knowledge + Experience + Reflection Knowledge is a good starting point.  Read the books. Listen to the audios.  Watch the videos.  But knowledge is just a start to real wisdom.   Then you have to try things. Do it.  Get in the game.  Get your hands dirty.  Use your…

Dog food?

A woman sees her child start to feed the dog a part of her donut.  "NOOOOO!" she yells.  "It's not good for him!" ... and then watches her child eat the donut. You wouldn't fill the dog bowl with soda would you? You should be treated better than the dog.…

Who do you say you are?

Your behaviors are usually a representation of your identity. It is impossible to behave contrary to who we believe we are. What and who do you say and believe you are? Can you think on it and make an updated decision on who you are?

To get better, start by acknowledging the truth.

"All progress starts by telling the truth." - AA founder. Of all people, the easiest one to deceive is ourselves. When the need for illusion is great, to save our ego, make an excuse, defend our actions, we tell lies that we believe. When we start to tell the truth…

Two kinds of freedoms

Freedom from, and freedom to. Having "freedom from" is great.  Freedom from violence, oppression, disease, and injustice. "Freedom to" is next level.  Freedom to do whatever you want when you want.  Now that is freedom. Of course, it comes only with discipline, learning, and creating value for others.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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