Tick, Tick, Tick – Clock or Bomb?
By keeping interest rates artificially low, the federal government can keep spending (to win elections) without paying much interest. By printing money, the government can pay for some of it - but because there are more greenbacks out there, it reduces the value of the dollar - bad news for…

"Happiness, in the Aristotelian sense of a life well-lived, must be achieved. You cannot be entitled to be happy. Happiness must be earned. Only free people who can create a sense of purpose for themselves, follow their beliefs, and pursue their own truths can achieve happiness. Being free does…

Our Strongest Opponents
Our external opponents are feeble compared to our internal ones - because we have given the internal ones permission to oppose us.

"Artificial Unintelligence"
The "news" and television in general dictates the national public conversation - talking about stuff that doesn't affect 99.9% of us and hijacking our mind share thinking about dumb stuff. I chose to use my mind for more productive things that take me toward my goals. How about you?

Capitalism and Poverty
The fight FOR limited government, free markets, property rights, the rule of law and capitalism, and the fight AGAINST poverty are one in the same fight. Can you see that?

Key player
The more you accomplish important tasks at work, the more important tasks you will be given to accomplish, and the more valuable you will be to your employer. Are you the go to guy (or girl?)?

Spending time
It takes just as long to be a success by age 50 as it does to be a failure with a low paying job by age 50. You have the time. What are you doing with it?

Dress for Success
If you are a person with a future, don't dress like a person without one. How you look on the outside has a big impact on how far you go.

Hello Mr. (or Ms.) President
You are the president of your own company with one employee. How's business?

Join the over 20,000 people who receive Larry's Daily Inspiring Messages
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Larry, I remember that time in New York. It was a wonderful trip. My wife and I still talk about it. Keep up the good work. I read your “Think Daily” every morning to start my day!
Of course we care. Larry, if your business is doing well, but you still have debt, pay off your debt, because your lender is charging you more than you could get by investing that money in interest bearing accounts. Just think, if your business is returning 8%, where can you get that rate of return in interest bearing investments?
Larry, you should read about how The Fed has accommodated politicians for the last 100 years by providing the money needed for all the politicians’ grand schemes. The business expansion of the last 40 years was built on credit (borrowing); not saving and investment in real assets. When there are more dollars available to lend and borrow, the dollar decreases in value and the illusion of wealth creation is presented. Did you know that 1 dollar today would only buy 3 cents in 1913; the year the income tax was passed into law and the Federal reserve was formed?
If one wants to preserve ones’ wealth, one should buy some gold/silver, some real estate, and create an income producing business. Playing the stock market, the futures market, buying penny stocks, listening to MSNBC; all guaranteed losers, because speculation is a psychological game based on “the Greater Fool theory.”
I just wish people would spend the same amount of time to educate themselves on issues that affect their lives as they do watching reality TV.
Yes. I care. I care very much and am trying to educate some allegedly brilliant friends and relatives on the need to change our National stance.
Your message helps.
I care very much. Because I have 30-something daughters. Those daughters and their husbands will have a much more difficult time providing their families with a secure future. I care because I have grandchildren, and I want them to grow up in freedom and live an American lifestyle, choosing what is best for them, not living as vassals of the State.
This is a wake up call. America, pay attention to what is happening here, and what it means the next generations.
By the way, I believe that my parents’ generation would have never allowed this – and for that I am both grateful and chastened.