Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Faith in people

It's easy to have faith in people when they are being nice.  That doesn't take so much faith. It's when people are being immature, ignorant, having a hard time and behaving badly that it takes faith to stick with them and not give up on them. You can choose to…

Stay tough

In our comfortable, easy, entertainment based society of convenience, some of us have become soft and weak.  Our threshold of what bothers us, what we find unacceptable, and what causes us to declare ourselves a victim, has been lowered. In order to accomplish great things we are going to need…

A better life

What is the number one thing you have to do to live a better life? (Hint- if it relies on someone else doing something, it won't last; you're on the wrong track.)

Try Again

When we try something and it doesn't work, the lesson we should learn is "it doesn't work THAT WAY".  Try doing it differently. Most things don't work when we first try, especially things that are worthwhile.

Random Acts of Kindness

It could be small, it could be big.  It could be appreciated, it could be unnoticed.  It could be expected, it could be unexpected.  It could be for someone you know, or someone you don't.  It will benefit someone else, and without a doubt, you being kind will benefit you.

The Courage To Call It

We must not be afraid to call it when we see things aren't right - no matter who is doing it, what their title is, how deeply embedded the wrong is into the culture, or who may criticize us for doing so. It's the those with moral character who mix…

Human Dignity

Earning money or a thing provides a sense of dignity, unlike being given money or a thing because you need it.   How do you feel about this? 

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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