Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Keep your word

If people begin to understand that when you say you'll do something or be somewhere, (however small or unimportant it may be) that you may or may not, you will loose your credibility. When people come to understand they can't count on you, your life takes a turn for the…

The Paradox of Effort

If you're only willing to do what is easy, life will be very hard. But if you are willing to do what's hard, life will be very easy. How is that working for you?

Confident and sincere doesn't mean right

You can be confident and sincere and still be wrong.  A person who has experience in the field and experience at making decisions of the nature as the one currently before him, (when it worked out and when it didn't) who is still confident and sincere, would often be the…

Be intentional

What do you want?  What do you need to get accomplished?  What have you been putting off? Make today your day.  Be intentional about moving forward in the clearly defined direction you want to go. Bon VoyageEast Inflatables!

Authenticity wins people over

When you've got to do a presentation, an interview, a speech and you feel pressure, just be authentic.  Prepare and know your stuff, but when the time comes don't feel you need to perform.   Authenticity is not performing - it's "heart space".

Slow is fast.

The average person has 2000-3000 thoughts a day.  A high performance person has 1200-1400.   Slow it down, lengthen your attention span, and focus.

"Living the Consequences"

You are living the consequences of all your actions in all the years and months and weeks and hours to now.  How's that going? Tomorrow you will be living the consequences of what you're doing now. What are you doing now?

The Center of the Universe

Where is the center of the universe?  You are the center of your universe - but not anyone else's.  Smart people remember that Sally is the center of her universe, and Pedro is the center of his. Nobody sees it like anyone else.

Faith in people

It's easy to have faith in people when they are being nice.  That doesn't take so much faith. It's when people are being immature, ignorant, having a hard time and behaving badly that it takes faith to stick with them and not give up on them. You can choose to…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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