Think Daily by Larry Janesky
The Top 10%

Your job is to get into the top 10% at what you do.  If you are one of the best __(insert marketable skill here)___, you'll always be in high demand, never have to worry about a job, and make more money. Do you want to get in the top 10%?…

The "Affordable" Care Act

I have been silent on this, waiting to let reality and hype seperate.   The Declaration of Independence had fewer than 4500 words and gave birth to an entire country, and given it the principles that made it soar.  The Affordable Care Act has 338,000 words and no member of…

Getting in front of change

"The commercial marketplace punishes pride and arrogance and it rewards humility and a teachable spirit.  Be happy for your successes, but never stop learning.  There is always more to know because the world is ever changing, and none of us can know all things.  The key to thriving in this…

Believe, decide and think about

If someone guessed that a while back you made a decision to live the way you are, they'd likely be right.  Right? How do you want to live a few years from now?  Do you believe it?  Have you decided on it and do you think about it most of…

Dumb and Dumber?

People who aren't as smart as you can be much more successful if they are more disciplined and persistent than you. Time will tell who the real dummy is...

Not that difficult

In my observation, it's easy to get ahead in this world where most people are only ambitious in the pursuit of their own immediate comfort and gratification.  All you have to do is be curious to learn, apply yourself and what you learn, and work hard - because so many…

Is college education valuable?

At my company I do not know which of my 300 employees went to which colleges or what they studied - and I don't care.  What I do care about is how quickly and courageously someone learns, if they believe in themselves or sell themselves short, and their sense of…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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