Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Everything’s Magic

Have you ever had those hours where life is full of wonder; everything and everyone is a blessing and a miracle? Chances are those were the times when YOU were all together; when you're head and emotions were at peace and you were grateful. Yes, your experience of this world…

Just one chance

What could a person your age be doing, experiencing, and contributing? How many times will you be this age?

“Time Leaks”

You don't have time to do the things that are important to move you towards what you want? Most of us spend lots of time each day doing things that don't matter to us tomorrow.  If we can just stop doing low value activities, we'd "find" plenty of time. Are…

Man in the Mirror

We all see situations differently.  A loving person lives in a loving world. An angry person lives in an angry world.  Each person you meet is your mirror. What does your reflection look like? 

Election Day

On election day, I think it's helpful to remember this quote by Warren Buffet -  "Diapers and politicians require regular changing - and for the same reason."  


Being thankful and appreciating what you have in your life is a sure way to attract more. What are you grateful for?

Supply and Demand in Jobs

If a lot of people do what you do, or can do what you do, you won't get paid a lot. If you do something that creates value and is in demand, that not a lot of people do or can do, you will get paid more than other people.…

Why do we get paid?

We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace.  It takes time, but we don't get paid for the time.  We get paid for the value we bring. What you need to figure out is how to bring more value in less time.  

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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