Think Daily by Larry Janesky

Wisdom is Knowledge + Experience + Reflection. We all have some knowledge and some experience.  Take the time to reflect. Did it all go as you had planned?  What were your expectations at the outset?  Did you communicate well?  What could you have done differently or better?  Look at it…

Be good at the right time

You don't have to be good/give it your all/perform well all day - just when it counts. What times of the day do you need to be your very best?

Maturing means changing

One sign of maturity is when what mattered to you yesterday doesn't matter so much now, and what didn't matter yesterday, is starting to matter now. It's normal.  You're still growing up.

How far we have come

Lewis Hallock Nash earned his Mechanical Engineering Degree from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1877, graduating at the top of his class. In his valedictory speech, he said that the task of the Engineer is "to lighten common drudgery, to carry the comforts of life to the masses of people,…

The Non-Conformist

If you don't have a plan, you should be a conformist and fit into someone else's plan.  But guess what they have planned for you - not much. If you are going to be a non-conformist however, you'd better have a better plan yourself - and be willing and disciplined…

Limitations of sight

Because what we can see around us is limited, does that mean the world is limited?   Most things we can't see from where we stand.  Put yourself in a place to see what you want to see. Create what you want to see around you.   Draw from your…

Increasing capacity to understand

If your were shown algebra in first grade you wouldn't get it. But as you learned basic math step by step, you were able to use it to understand more. And so it is with anything you want to learn.  By learning what you can, you can use your new…

Unequal progress

Human beings have been around for thousands of years, and in that time all or nearly all have lived in what we'd all "poverty".  Can 7 billion of us (learn how to and) lift ourselves out of poverty in just a couple hundred years?  Not likely at all. If a…

Figuring yourself out

Understanding how and why you think and do what you do is important to making the changes you need to to be the person you want to be. Our intelligence is sufficient enough to understand itself.  You just have to want to and try. Do you understand the how and…

It's what's inside

"I am better than everyone else", "I am not as good as everyone else" - it's the same mistake. Don't develop your feelings about yourself and the world from comparisons to others.  Look inside instead.  That's where your value, spirit and peace can be found.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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