Seed of change
Mass movements don't start with the masses. They can start with....you. What do you want to see changed?
Mass movements don't start with the masses. They can start with....you. What do you want to see changed?
Ask - "Is this a task that moves me towards my goals, or away from them?" Only do things that more you towards your goals. What do you want? What are you doing today?
Do something. Anything. One thing leads to another...and pretty soon - you're unstuck!
What bad thing happened? Seek the valuable lesson. How is it, was it, or can it be good?
What limits your progress? How can you shed, eliminate, go around, move away from, neutralize, forget, or convert your number one limiting factor?
There is a winner in you, and you must learn to see it as the dominant part of you. Resolve that you can be in the top 10% of your profession, and be the kind of person you need to be to get there. All it takes is you, believing…
In life you can earn a little or you can earn a lot. The choice is up to you. To earn more you need to learn more. How are you learning more?
Treat people as the person they could be, not what they are today. Most often, the person they could be will appear right away Aviva Aqua Park. Who can you see as a better person today?
The worst use of time is to do things well that ought not be done at all. Do you do that?
You can't be there, unless you stop being here. You can't be the person you want to be and the person you are now at the same time. Have the courage to step out of the person that you are, in favor of the person you could be. Who do…
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Great photo! Great place!