Hardship and problems
They have not come to stay, they have come to pass. How soon will they pass? That is up to us.
They have not come to stay, they have come to pass. How soon will they pass? That is up to us.
The liberating part of bad things happening is that you don't have to worry about that happening anymore! (Assuming nobody was badly hurt or killed of course.) We are well, and not worrying about losing our home! We know we can deal with that. I'm also not worried about anything…
Our parents shape us. We learn from them. They cared for us when we couldn't care for ourselves, and we care for them when they can't. If it's not your blood parents, it's someone else who fills in. My Dad died yesterday. He was self employed as the best…
"They owe me." "I'll get them". We carry around accounts of justice to be done, but it's only hurting us. Best to write these accounts off and move on. You'll be a lighter human traveler.
A street kid looking to be respected. A farmer looking to provide for his family. An executive looking to create results. A factory worker looking for significance. A mother striving for her children. Is it really any different?
Our lives are all meaningless without our creating the meaning. In this we have a choice. Have you created meaning that you suffer from? You can wipe all that clean with an instant decision, and create whatever meaning you want. It's up to you.
Everything happens for a reason, even if we do not know what the reason is at the time. One year ago the barn/recreation room I built in 2005 (that so many friends and family enjoyed) burned to ashes. Why? I spent 8 months rebuilding, and saw that it was…
Kindness, helpfulness, courtesy, a compliment, empathy, a smile, a hug, understanding, and listening. They are all dosages of the same human elixir called love. Given in any dose, large or small, makes both the giver and the receiver closer to a fully realized person. In gratitude - for all…
They have not come to stay, they have come to pass.
How soon will they pass?
That is up to us.
That’s me. That’s you.
Stand firm.
” I can I will Watch me ” thanks Larry have a great day
Our children will be strengthened and inspired by this daily legacy project, it will help them shape the future. Thank you for fighting
Whoever loves the most, wins.
You win!
Of all the quotes I have this trumps all Thanks for posting Larry Have a great day
Always choose love. Love wins, you win. <3
No one can get enough of this wonderful quality. It is vital for each of us to demonstrate it in all our dealings, with every person we meet.
Love is the best gift. One size fits all and it’s easy to exchange!
I believe love is a choice not just a feeling. To love first is the key to receiving the very thing we all crave. Love in return. To love for a long time even when you don’t always want to is a way to build big love muscles. I’m not talking about sexual or casual I’m talking about unconditional sacrificial love!
The liberating part of bad things happening is that you don’t have to worry about that happening anymore! (Assuming nobody was badly hurt or killed of course.)
We are well, and not worrying about losing our home! We know we can deal with that. I’m also not worried about anything lesser than that (which is a lot of things) happening either because I know I can overcome it.
What are you not worried about?
My online friend, the burdens you are carrying are being borne with grace. I continue to pray that you will be surrounded by friends and family who can be the hands and feet of God. My deepest sympathy at the loss of your father.
I can choose to worry or be afraid of or not.Which feels better for me? I am grateful for all that has happened to me as it helped propel me to a place I love Thanks for your daily blogs Larry I greatly appreciate them
Thank you for that perspective!
I wish i could say “nothing”, but i can not.
Our hearts go out to you & your family. There was a period of time when there was one tragedy after another and only through our faith, did we get through it. With Mark’s brain tumor & my cancer & then our business was broken into, we realized that there will always be stress and tragedies. That we can’t change…what we can change, however, is how we handle them when they put a wrench in our plans, we just keep looking forward and have faith that this too shall pass. We wish you & your family all the love, health & faith…know that there are people out there that are praying for you. Keep the Faith! Mark & Mary Minotti
Our parents shape us. We learn from them. They cared for us when we couldn’t care for ourselves, and we care for them when they can’t. If it’s not your blood parents, it’s someone else who fills in.
My Dad died yesterday. He was self employed as the best radio and tv repairman around. The other shops would bring him stuff they couldn’t fix. Most of all, he was a pilot and flight instructor, and taught me how to fly. That was his passion.
“Because I Fly”
I laugh more than other men, I look up and see more than they do. I know how the clouds feel and what it’s like to have the blue sky in my lap, to look down on birds, to feel freedom in a thing called flying. Who else can say their landscape is blue with beautiful light clouds? Who else can say they know where the rainbow starts and where it ends? Who else can say they know the real reason a bird sings? I envy the man that flys because he’s closest to God. I know that is where I’ll be – because I have flown.
Goodbye Dad.
Our condolences to you and your Family…..
Rick j
Very sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great man and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
Larry and family.. my dad had the greatest effect on my life in shaping it and giving me the great values I carried onto my family friend and myself.. I am sure ur dad did the same.a little poem….we feel so sad when those we love are called to live in the home above but they have gone to prepare the way and we will meet them again some happy day for god has told us that nothing can sever a life he created to live on forever so let gods promise soften our sorrow and give new strength for a brighter tomorrow.. all my best
Larry, sorry for your dads passing
With all you have been through and you still find a way to make the most out of life with such a positive outlook. You are such an inspiration to myself and our business !! I am so proud to call you my friend ! My deepest condolences and thank you for all you do !!
Larry, sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like he was quite a man.
You have endured a lot lately…godspeed.
Sorry for your loss. You have been through a lot lately and you still find a way to inspire others. My condoloences, my friend.
I am so sorry to hear the news about your dad’s passing. Thanks for sharing the legacy of a great man.
I am sorry for your loss. I am heading down a dark road with my dad right now who was also a private pilot so this hits very close to home. I also wanted to say that the way you look at and respond to issues in your life is definitely helping others shape their own future responses, you’re a great leader, thank you!
I am sorry for your loss ,I suspect he would have been so very proud of you
Sorry for your families loss.
Sorry for your loss
It is obvious that your Dad was a risk taker and an adventurer in life and passed that on
Thanks to him for creating such an amazing legacy in you and the rest of the family, and thanks to you for sharing his story. Keep flying
I am so happy you had such a great time with your dad What fond memories you can bring to mind and pass on Thanks for sharing with us this morning Thinking of you and your family today
Larry & Family, so sorry for your loss. Prayers from Wisconsin.
Larry, I am so sorry for you and your families loss. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you BIG HUGS
My Condolences for your loss.
Larry you and your family have been through a lot lately just keep going and keep staying positive!
My sympathy on the loss of your dad. Your outlook on the curveballs of life are inspiring to all.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in these difficult times.
Rick Card
What a heartfelt memorial!!
You truly are an inspiration. Thank you for being such a great influence and making the world a better place. Our heartfelt condolences from down here in Texas.
very sorry about your loss. keep inspiring us, your readers, as I’m sure your father will continue to influence your outlook and obvious care for others. We’ve all been there and some of us still are. That’s life?
Dear Larry and Family, my heart is with you…losing a Father is so hard…you always wish he was still here sharing your family life…but I’m sure he is in heaven and will be sending you love and inspiration…just look and you will see him…
Larry and Family,
Sorry for your loss.
Sounds like he is now up where he enjoyed spending his time. Remember to celebrate his life, and not to mourn the loss!
Larry, I’m so glad you had a wonderful father that you can keep celebrating and honoring through the way the live your life. My heart and prayers go out to you during this difficult time. The way you’ve kept pouring into others lives during all of this is a bigger encouragement than you know. I just received some of the hardest news of my life–thanks for being an inspiration.
larry, Im certain that your dad is very very proud of you! Im sure he looks at you with pride on his chest! and he is smiling upon you now! your very lucky to have a wonderful father to reflect on! Stay strong! You made a profound impact on me the week I spent with you at your organization, and at your Motocross Camp! Thanks for being an Inspiration Larry!
Larry, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. You have had a lot to deal with lately already. Psalms 34:18
We are so sorry for your loss. You and your family will remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Larry for always being there for us. Despite the obstacles you carry through and give us our daily dose of confidence.
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family right now. You have been given a lot to burden, it’s a good thing your shoulders are strong. You are an inspiration and make me gripe less about my own life.
I am so sorry for your loss. What a great career your dad must have had. There are so few of his types left in the world. You weren’t kidding when you said “God doesnt give us more than we can handle.” Thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your Dad, I’m sure, is so very proud of you. Now he will be able to watch down from the heavens and see what you do everyday. My Dad died a few years ago and it was very hard. After thinking about the fact that he now gets to spend all day and all night watching over me helped ease the pain. So keep that in mind going forward, that your Dad is now watching you all the time. Seeing you perform all the great things you do and sharing with you those moments that he may not have been able to see before. He will continue to inspire you as you have for so many of the people around you.
Some times in life as you know, when it rains it pours. I’m quite sure heavy downpours in the past have been far more uplifting and profitable than the storms you’re having to ride through right now. I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad. I feel for you brother ! I lost my Dad, my mentor and my best friend 8 years ago in the middle of almost losing my business to the drought and economy, and in the middle of my separation to teresa and ultimately the loss of my marriage.
You are a man of incredible strength , courage and a tenacity. You have not only been a great friend and mentor to me but and a great source of strength and an example by which I have followed. You have helped remind me what life is all about and how to stay or get back on the better side of ALL life has to offer. Thank you for that !!
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family through these tough times.
Thanks for being you and such a big infleunce and source of strength and guidance to me and ALL the people you touch.
Hang in there and I’ll see you in August
My condolences Larry. Today’s column is a great tribute to your Dad.
I am sorry for your loss.He has created something great. You.
Well said Larry, so what you are saying is there is another bright star in the sky, another rainbow maker, another Angel in the sky shine on us with your Dad’s name on it.
We are happy for them, and sad for us when our loved ones experience their final promotion home to be with God. My condolences to you and your family. xoxo
Larry…so sorry for the loss of your Dad. Your thoughts today were beautiful and I am sure that your Dad is quite proud of the Son, Husband and Dad that you are. I will keep you and your family in my prayers during this very sad time.
Your dad is flying over all of us. My condolences go out to you and your family. God Bless!
Dear Larry,
My prayers are with you and your family during these difficult times. I am sure you have made your father extremely proud by the way you live your life. He was obviously a great man to inspire you to be the man you are today.
Love and blessings to you always,
Larry and family;
Condolences to you! Love the poem and I am sure that your Dad is flying free now. Your memories will keep you long past the sorrow stage. Take care- my prayers are with you!
So sorry to hear. Our thoughts and condolences to you and your entire family.
Jim Moon
It is always sad when a loved one passes. One of the comforts we have is our memories. Some memories seem as if he is right beside me, and I believe many times he is.
I am so grateful for an understanding and belief of everlasting life where we will be able to see and associate with our loved ones again.
Our deepest condolences on the loss of your father. This is a beautiful tribute to your father. Wishing you and your family peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts.
Dear Larry,
My deepest condolences to you and your family. I believe that we reflect, at least to some extent, our parents (or those that raised us), and from knowing you a little, I’m sorry I never had a chance to meet your father.
Flight has long been a passion of mine, though still unfulfilled, and your poem strikes a deep chord.
Hope you and your family find solace and relief from the wisdom and strength your dad shared with you.
Sorry for the loss of your dad! God Bless you my friend!
Larry…my condolences to you and your family during these very trying times. Praying for you all!
WOW! I guess things come in bunches. You and your family are due for the opposite for a while. So sorry for your loss! My dad is 84 and think about when might the last time I see him is.
My condolences on the passing of your dad. So sorry to hear but happy to know what he taught you.
God Bless
What a lovely tribute to Roger, your Dad, my brother. About a month ago, I found a wonderful picture of Roger and me- standing in front of the ocean, and I have my arms wrapped around his waist in a big bear hug. We are both facing the camera. This reminds me of our childhood, and the “mothering” I did for Roger in his younger years. Including him in play, (sometimes he had to be the dog when we played house); taking him to the store to buy candy for him; helping him with school work. His talents became evident before very long, and he was always tinkering with something mechanical, electronic, or gadget-like. Now, when I look at that picture, I imagine that my arms are still around him, wherever he is. That’s what big sisters are for.
I am sorry for the loss of your dad.
Sounds like a great man. I am sure
that he was and is very proud of you.
God’s Peace,
My deepest condolences to you and your family during these very difficult time.
What wonderful memories he left you with.
Praying for you all!
I am so sorry for your and your family’s loss. It is never easy.
Thank you for sharing your insights with us.Your Dad raised a very fine Man.
My heart goes out to you and your family, Larry…May God bless and keep you, make His face to shine upon you…and give you Peace.
Larry you and your family have had to deal with a lot lately. Our prayer group in Orange Virginia has been praying for all of you. Our God doesn’t promise us all good times but he does promise to hold us close during those tough times.
Larry I am so sorry for your loss !! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers !!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We are all thinking of you here in WI.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during these recent trying times.
Larry, So Sorry to here the news about your Dad you and your family are going through a trying time. My family and my work family express our sincere condolences to you and your family.
Larry, I am so sorry to hear about your lost but you have the memories and the great respect to carry with you the rest of your life. I lost my Dad several years ago and he was a Mr. Fix It as well. He could even fix life as far as I was concern. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You Dad left a very good legacy through you and your talents. May God Bless.
Beautiful tribute to your Dad Larry. He was so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments. He loved you and all of his family very much. We will all meet with him again one day. Sending my love and hugs to you.
So sorry for your loss ,your dad seemed like a great dad,so sorry for all your family is going through,just know you have friends who care and we are here for you…..just let us know how we can help….
Man, Larry — two hits in a row. I’m very sorry to hear this, especially when it did. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family.
Everything I ever learned about being a father came from my father. Sorry to hear about your loss. He was obviously quite an inspiration.
I love the story about you flying your dads special plane for the first time. I would say that I am sorry for your loss if I believed that you really lost him. Our loved ones always stay with us even if they are in a different field watching over us and helping. They live through us.
“They owe me.”
“I’ll get them”.
We carry around accounts of justice to be done, but it’s only hurting us.
Best to write these accounts off and move on.
You’ll be a lighter human traveler.
Isn’t that the truth…
Walking lightly
… unless of course I put a ten pound bag of rice in my back pack for a hike conditioning myself here in the beautiful mountain of Colorado.
Resentments are my number one offender I can choose to be creative and move forward.Leave the past where it belongs Thanks for the blogs Have a great day
Is there an address we can use to send photos of your kids in electronic form?
A street kid looking to be respected.
A farmer looking to provide for his family.
An executive looking to create results.
A factory worker looking for significance.
A mother striving for her children.
Is it really any different?
Just now ,this week, receiving your blog.Enjoy what you have to say and learning from your words. Thank you.
We are either going forward or backwards it’s my choice Thanks Larry Have a great day
Our lives are all meaningless without our creating the meaning. In this we have a choice.
Have you created meaning that you suffer from?
You can wipe all that clean with an instant decision, and create whatever meaning you want.
It’s up to you.
Your thinkdaily messages are the first emails I open when I get to the office. Thanks for putting it out there.. it’s all too easy to get caught up in the pressure cooker of day-to-day business while forgetting what really is important.
Thanks for all you do.
Paul Bongiovanni
I can start my day over anytime I decide. I can change my attitude and get myself to a place of grattitude and acceptance.Whatever I focus on I make bigger. Thanks Larry for your daily blogs I love to read them every morning you write them.
The last couple of days I was honestly a little depressed! I had put so much meaning into, a personal, physical goal that it was emotionally frustrating to see an obstacle (injury) in the way. Today I choose to see the injury as a way to invigorate my efforts and overcome. Thanks for the reboot Larry! A little encouragement goes a long way!
Everything happens for a reason, even if we do not know what the reason is at the time. One year ago the barn/recreation room I built in 2005 (that so many friends and family enjoyed) burned to ashes. Why?
I spent 8 months rebuilding, and saw that it was better than before.
He said “I want you to understand how this works, and be ready for what will happen next year.”
Now I see. Last Thursday, we lost our dream home in a fire that destroyed everything we had – tons of family photos, wedding album, my journals, my high school yearbook, my toothbrush, my shoes, my socks, my wife and children’s special stuff – all of it. All gone. All we had were the clothes on our backs.
I have faith that there is a reason for this. Everything happens for a reason – and it’s a good reason if you work to reveal it. I must work yet again and discover why. And I will.
What happened to you? Did you work to reveal the good reason?
Larry, I am sorry to hear about the recent fire to your dream home. Thank the good Lord you and your family are safe. You are a survivor and I am confident you will overcome these unfortunate obstacles. You are a great role model to many. I have you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless. Roland Lapointe DES Seacoast
I myself lost my home to fire many years ago.I feel your pain, and understand. But in my eyes God Blessed you last Thursday , what is the most precious and irreplaceable you did not lose, your family. For me my lesson was just how valuable my family and life is. Life is short enjoy every minute!
From your book, The Highest Calling, I learnt a lot about why things are happening to me the way they do. I learnt so much from you and what you have created that I must say you have inspired me in a lot of things. I don’t know why it is that people get inspiration from tragedies or bad things, but as long as we draw something positive from the tragedies, we will walk away as winners. And you are a winner. I believe that you will one day learn the reason and will benefit from it.
Greetings from Hungary.
I have never met you but feel as though I know you— connect with you every morning. My heart is aching for you and your family. I offer two points of truth. Psalm 34:18. The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. And Psalm 147:3. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
May you feel His love in dark times and may those close to you be His hands and feet to help make your days better.
Who is he? It says “He said . . . ” My question is simply who is that Larry is referring to?
Larry I am very sorry for your loss. You have been blessed with so many things and Rose was correct, who and what matters most has been sparred for you to enjoy for one more day! A blessing that many of us carelessly let go by without recognition or thanksgiving.
May the painful sting of the loss of the things that were part of your lives enrich you and your family as you embrace the new memories and things that mark your lives together.
The Janesky Family now has two days to call Thanksgiving in their calendar year. The one we all celebrate in the good ole USA and the day after “the fire”.
God bless you all
God Bless- So sorry to hear about this awful loss but so happy to hear that your family made it out safely! You have the right attitude- things, even precious things, are just things. In time, you can collect more things, but the important thing is that you still have your family and your Faith and this will carry you through. In the meantime, is there a place where you are accepting donations?
Warmest Regards
Jeremiah 29:11New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Dear Larry, I can certainly understand your feelings aver losing your personal items and photos…I lost my husband three years ago and some of his pictures were recently destroyed by the weather I guess and I broke down over losing them…like another little piece of him gone…the difference is, you have your family to look at in person and you can’t have more than that…you know the answers already as you share them with us each day, so just look inside of yourself and you will know that you will come out of this a stronger person. Maybe your family needed more from you and this is your opportunity to give them more love…I am sure it is painful for all of you, but just remember, you have each other and love gets us through…if there is any way I can be of help, I’m here for you! Peace be with you!
I thought about your journals almost right away after hearing about the fire….
Thanks for the shout out to the firefighters. Being with one for 28 years, I know they take the huge losses like yours personally and commit much of there private/personal time to the fire service. It’s so like you to remember to thank them when the end result was not good. Keep up the positive attitude, I hope the family is doing as well as they can, poor kiddos!
Larry (Hef), my condolences for the loss of so many special items in your house. I am happy to hear you are all physically safe. You have helped so many people in your personal journey. Be accepting of the wonderful people you have around you offering their support. Recognize it is each one of them showing their gratitude toward you and the way you have chosen to live your life. Thank you for what you have done for me and I wish you well in the rebuilding process.
I heard what happened to you and your family and all we could think was, thank God you and your family are all okay. All our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
So sorry to hear of loosing your home. I’ve often wondered how it would feel to go through such displacing circumstances. I will be praying for you and your family during this time. I’ve come to learn everything happens for a reason as well. Thank you for the reminder to keep that mantra in the forefront of my mind. Gratitude and blessings,
When “STUFF” happens There are a lot of ways I can look at it Is it happening to me or for me ? If I don’t understand it I say that the “cause is in the furure” meaning that whats happening now will be the reason I will do something greater in the future God Bless you and your family Tim
Larry, Sometimes circumstances in life happen that we just want to jump in an help and fix what is broken, to restore our lives to normalcy. Yet I know there are things in this life we can not fix even though our heart aches and our desire is to help those we love. This is one moment I wish there was something I could do to help but am powerless to restore what was lost. I am praying for you and your family that God will mend your hearts and comfort you through this difficult time.
I know you will rebound from this…you always do. Very thankful your family is safe and you are all OK.
Janesky Family
You have always been an inspiration to others and you continue to be extraordinary during this crisis. We can all learn a lot from your family – thanks for sharing Larry and thanks for helping us to “Think Daily”
“It’s not what’s happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it’s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you’re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.”
Larry, I know you’ll work hard to find the why and become an even better person for it. My thoughts are with your family.
Larry, Elisabeth and I are so sorry to hear of your loss and glad that everyone is safe. We and the rest of the Snug Planet team are grateful for all your innovation and inspiration. Our thoughts are with you and your family.
I am very sorry to learn of this and know first hand through my families own house fire how devastating this is.
My thoughts are with you and your family during this.
You inspire me each morning. I am thankful that your loss is only material, though many mementos were losses as well. That does not mean you have no memories. They will remain with you, and you will be able to add to them. God bless you. Keep the faith, and you shall rebuild with His help!
If there’s one thing I know about you from the past years, it’s that building — or rebuilding – houses has become a metaphor for the way you’ve lived your life. Whether it’s a literal house, the “home” you’ve built out of your company with your family of dealers, or the family you’ve embraced and provided for in your private life, creating “houses” is what you do.
I’m reminded of the story you shared to your dealers and team at your public speakings, talking about your early times in business, and how you built that house and worked through business-related debt, and how inspirational that story was to me when I heard it. I’ve also heard how you’ve found that in your time of need, so many doors have opened to you in so many different ways, by people who are ready to provide you with support and security. I have every confidence that you will overcome this — and make the best of this situation — as you have in the face of every other hardship you’ve confronted.
Sending you my best, sir, and wishing you well in these hard times.
I have yet to enjoy a tragedy or wish at the time that it could be removed from me at the moment, but with time most become memories that are not all that bad when balanced with what we have learned. I love your positive attitude towards life and its challenges focusing on growth, personal or otherwise.
My first thought as I heard about this was your journals. I wondered as you talked of them why anybody would photo copy a journal not once but twice? Now I know. How grateful you must be for that little bit of past inspiration to do so.
Thanks for sharing your combined inspirational experiences with all of us. Can’t wait to hear more!
Larry and Family,
First things first, our prayers are with you and as you have already recognized, the blessing is that all of you are alright!
There can be no way to replace the photo albums, the wedding albums or the children’s favorite items givin to them by Mom, Dad or Grandparents but the memories can not be removed from your own minds and hearts.
You built your vision and your company, as a team, you and your wife built a family and as a family, you will build new memories.
God Bless!
My thoughts go to you and your loved ones!
I have had things in my life happen were I questioned “why”. I too grew from it and became even stronger than ever. You may have lost your “stuff” but you never loose the memories that stuff helped you gain. If the world stopped spinning today everyones “stuff” would mean nothing but our strengths and experiences would be what kept us moving. I’ve been told to always be the rock someone needs.
Larry I am so sorry for your and your families loss. I beleive there is a higher power and he make all our decisions in life for us. He does it to make us stronger. He wants us to be the people we are supposed to be. I believe this because I have had my share the last 5 years from a 2 year divorce, becoming a single mom of 2 children, then losing my house last year and having to pick up my kids from the only home they knew and moving. God did this to me to make me stronger and the person I am today. I was looking forward to my new beginning in 2014 then it all started again. Mom had 2 strokes, dad fell on ice and cracked his head open then ended up in the hospital several times. He is having his second surgery this coming Monday. Then on Valentines Day I awoke and had a problem talking. I was taken to the ER and after a catscan I was told I had a brain tumor. After a week in the hospital and brain surgery I was on my road to recover. I questioned myself many of times why, why did this happen to me. It was not something I ever planned on but God put it there for a reason. He did it to make me stronger than I already was. I beleive he needed me to prove to myself that life does go on and with the help of family, friends and my new finance’ I got through it. I pushed myself and was back to work 3 1/2 weeks after the surgery. I am still healing and it will take time but God did it for a reason. When something tragic happens it puts a new prospective on life. I said to myself while laying in a hospital bed that there are others including many children here in worse condition than I. I have my health. I have my family. I will heal and God will make me stronger than every before. I wish you all the best and I am here if you every need anything.
Your attitude in this difficult time is an inspiration to us all. I think I speak for all of your employees when I say that you are a terrific role model and we all appreciate your positive messages. I am sure you will build an even better home and make more wonderful memories for your family there for many years to come.
Hey Larry
Sorry for your loss
Most likely you will rebuild w a high tech fire suppression system
Then start another company
God bless u & family are safe.
Hey Larry
I only know you from home inspection meetings.
This is a challenge u are going thru.
I kinda think u may be thinking how to prevent this for others.
There has to be a better way than the usual fire suppression systems.
Love you brother!
A very wise man once told me,
If you can learn from the worst times of your life, you’ll be ready to go into the best times of your life.
What ever you might need Janesky family ….. don’t hesitate to call upon me.
You’re the best Larry, Keep the faith!
I am sorry for the loss of your home Larry.
I am sorry you are living this yet again. Rose says it well in her comment. Your family is safe and is with you to brainstorm the why and sit around telling stories of the memories in your home. At young ages your children may have deeper appreciation now than before regarding family vs stuff…
The way I see it, maybe it is time for a wedding!!! You and your wife can renew your wedding vows, take picture and create a new wedding album.
You give a lot to many folks, please let me if there is anything I can do to help.
Kindness, helpfulness, courtesy, a compliment, empathy, a smile, a hug, understanding, and listening. They are all dosages of the same human elixir called love.
Given in any dose, large or small, makes both the giver and the receiver closer to a fully realized person.
In gratitude – for all I have received from you.
Change is constant and your shoes are getting bigger Love and blessings to you and your family
Larry i have been thanking about you and your family for days now,i have not been to church in a few months but felt the need to go Sunday to say a prayer for you and your family!if you need anything just a ear to bend or help doing anything i’m here for you.I remember you telling me everything happens for a reason we just don’t know why,stay strong my friend.
Sorry for your the loss of your home and family belongings
my first thought was ,thank god no one was physically injured. Thank you for Think Daily
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your strength is remarkable and shows in how you have dealt with this unfortunate incident. Please contact me if there is ANY thing I can do to help.
Trust your unknown future to a known God. He will bring you beauty for ashes. I believe you will not just come out of this disaster but you will be increased in ways you’ve never imagined. We are praying for you and lifting you and your family up.
I’ve been praying for y’all! I’m so glad no one was hurt! I specifically prayed that you would be overwhelmed (with gratefulness) because of all the ways people reached out to you.
God is not the only one that has confidence in you.
Here is your hug for the day with a kiss. XO
Wow, must’ve been a rollercoaster of a weekend. If my penchant for history is serving me this morning. Thomas Jefferson was always burning his stuff down, too. You’re in rare company.
I saw your post yesterday and then I went online and could not believe the pictures. Thank God your family and your pets are ok. Thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.
Classy way (always Larry’s way) to express your feelings! I just wish he didn’t have so much confidence in me. Love it – and you – my friend.
Once again,you are a positive example to us all. Keeping your sense of humor in this huge “misadventure” is something I will always remember when I think I have a problem.
I have learned in the gatherings I regularly attend “If I lost all my stuff, but was left with the people in my life, God will show me more of His plan for me by speaking to me through those people. I haven’t lost all my stuff (lately) but, Thank You for speaking to me through your words and actions.
Larry & Wendy & Kids,
Our prayers have been with you and for you. We are so sorry that you suffered this tragedy and so grateful that you all got out unscathed.
If you’d like to take a break, sit and catch your breath, please come over any time.
Gale & Flip
We humans tend to classify the events in our lives into buckets labeled either “Good” or “Bad”. But I think God has one bucket labeled “Know Me”. May you be drawn nearer to Him through this and all the events in your life.
Your thought today reminded me of the time when Lisa was undergoing cancer treatment. The cards and calls and well wishes meant so much to us- little did I know I would be on the receiving end of all this. A small gesture can mean so much when you are in turmoil and grieving. I will surely be thinking of you as you minister to your Dad.
Take lots of deep breaths.
As a long time blogee of yours, with all of your sage advice, comments, admonishments and uplifting thoughts, I’m very glad so much is coming back to you at this time.
Remember the ancient healing saying, “and this too will pass”.
Best wishes
Fred Irvin
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Love it! Inspired!
I can choose to accept everything as if I asked for it and be grateful for all I have Thanks Larry Have a great day
We can move on or let it pass or wallow in our problems. The choice is ours!
Great Thought and Attitude. Thanks for the example.