Think Daily by Larry Janesky

"Unconquerable" That's me.  That's you. Stand firm. "Invictus"

West of Worry

The liberating part of bad things happening is that you don't have to worry about that happening anymore!  (Assuming nobody was badly hurt or killed of course.) We are well, and not worrying about losing our home!  We know we can deal with that.  I'm also not worried about anything…

High Flight

Our parents shape us.  We learn from them.  They cared for us when we couldn't care for ourselves, and we care for them when they can't.  If it's not your blood parents, it's someone else who fills in.   My Dad died yesterday.  He was self employed as the best…

Human Accounts Receivable

"They owe me." "I'll get them".   We carry around accounts of justice to be done, but it's only hurting us. Best to write these accounts off and move on.   You'll be a lighter human traveler.

We're all the same

A street kid looking to be respected. A farmer looking to provide for his family. An executive looking to create results. A factory worker looking for significance. A mother striving for her children. Is it really any different?

Meaning Making Machines

Our lives are all meaningless without our creating the meaning. In this we have a choice. Have you created meaning that you suffer from?   You can wipe all that clean with an instant decision, and create whatever meaning you want. It's up to you.

Why is this happening to me?

Everything happens for a reason, even if we do not know what the reason is at the time.  One year ago the barn/recreation room I built in 2005 (that so many friends and family enjoyed) burned to ashes.  Why?   I spent 8 months rebuilding, and saw that it was…

Any dose lifts

Kindness, helpfulness, courtesy, a compliment, empathy, a smile, a hug, understanding, and listening.  They are all dosages of the same human elixir called love.   Given in any dose, large or small, makes both the giver and the receiver closer to a fully realized person. In gratitude - for all…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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