Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Spending into trouble

Insecurity + Impulse + Easy Credit = Trouble We are have to live within our means.  There is offense (ability to make money) and Defense (ability to save, control spending).  When the offense is weak, and the defense is weak, you are going to have a big problem. Have a…

A million of you, a million of me

Sure, we are all unique.  But there are millions of people that feel the same way you do, and have the same hopes and fears.   When you see another human being, no matter how different they look, know they are more like you than different.

Maturing can hurt

Everything happens for a reason.  When you are humiliated, embarrassed, or get upset, it can be a newer better you emerging. If you pay attention, you'll learn something to make you better.


If the people that like you best are the ones who don't know you well, you have a problem.   Who likes you best?  

Difference in Commitment Only

There is no difference between you and someone far more successful than you in a given field.  You just have to make the same decision to commit, and do the work. You can't be the best at everything, but you can be the best at something.  You choose.

Educated Expectations

Disappointment is the gap between what happened and what you thought was going to happen.  If we spend some time at the outset thinking about what is likely to happen, we can form more realistic expectations.  Heck, we may not do it at all, or we may decide to do…


Be around the right people. Read the right books. Listen to the right audios. Grow.

Your greatest growth potential

What are you really good at?  What do you like to do even if you aren't being paid?  Where are your talents? That's where your greatest growth potential is.  

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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