Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Are you a hard worker?

Most worthy goals take hard work.  Really great goals take hard work for a long period of time. Have you accomplished any great goals lately?

What's real?

It's different for each of us, because we create our "reality" - and we believe it. What reality have you created?

Recognizing Patterns

The universe is giving you what you deserve right now.  In order to get more we must recognize "When I do this - this happens, and when I do that, that happens".  Then we must have the discipline to do what causes the results we want. What results will doing…

Drowning in Information, Starving for Knowledge

In this age, having access to information is not the problem - it's being selective and using our time to learn the most important things for us to move towards what it is we say we want.  This means controlling your programming and rejecting the agenda of the popular media.…

Having a problem with someone?

Do not fail to communicate with them.  Tell them what is bothering you.  It will be the stepping stone to the solution. Who do you need to talk to?

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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