You are a mentor
Many kids won't listen to their parents because they are their parents. But they may listen to advice from someone they don't know very well instead. Say things to kids that they need to hear. Tell them the things we think are said, but aren't said often enough - and…
This is your best think daily to date. Social media actually makes it easier to offer positive reinforcement to younger people. Most of the ones I connect with are friends of my children but I encourage them and try to be someone who can show them that they all have value. It seems that they all appreciate an older point of view and some just need a shoulder to lean on from time to time. I am that shoulder and it adds value to my own life. Kids that I coached in baseball 10-15 years ago still keep in touch with me.
My Dad (a family therapist) has a saying, “Experts are found outside the house, even though you may be living with one”
Yes. So necessary. Not only in regard to children, but in regard to some lonely, never attended-to adults.
This one resonates so deeply! So many of our societal problems could be solved by sharing, loving, teaching and empowering our youth. The effort is sooo worth the potential gain.