Think Daily by Larry Janesky
You are a mentor

Many kids won't listen to their parents because they are their parents.  But they may listen to advice from someone they don't know very well instead.  Say things to kids that they need to hear.  Tell them the things we think are said, but aren't said often enough - and…

Drugs destroy lives

We should talk to kids so much about the ugliness, darkness, and ruin that drugs bring to their users and everyone around to make drugs very scary for them.  They are something to be feared. I look around and see the lives shattered by both street drugs and many prescription…

How do they make you feel?

You know how some people make you feel uncomfortable and you don't want to be around them anymore?  Well, how do you think you make others feel?  Do they want more of you, or less? Pay attention.  Is it your voice? Your intention? Your mismatching thier body language? How do…

Families are important

If we look around and are honest, we can see that a child needs a mother and a father to grow up healthy and fully actualized. Whatever we can do to plan for and support complete families, and repair incomplete ones, will help individual family members, the community, and the…

Take a chance

Progress involves risk that you will fail, look foolish, or even go backwards.  But not risking anything guarantees that you will not progress. Try.  Even if it doesn't work out the first time, keep trying.   You can do it.


What happened?  Who did what in the past that you're still carrying around everywhere you go? Isn't it time to forgive? Your judgements about whether they deserve to be forgiven are missing the point.   Don't YOU deserve to be released?   Forgive and let it go.  Free yourself.  Be…

Human Mirrors

A loving person lives in a loving world.  An angry person.... Everyone you meet is your mirror.   What do you see in others?

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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