Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Is it really?

If you keep saying to yourself that it is hard, I bet it is. What are you saying to yourself?


The one who is responsible for your life, where you are, and how it's turned out so far, is you. You are also the one responsible for how the rest of your life will turn out. How will that be?

What do co-workers say about you?

I'm the leader of a big organization.  I don't work side by side with each of my employees each day - it's not possible because there are too many employees.  When it comes time for picking the next leader, or for making changes of any kind, what do I rely…


The only way you can grow is to attempt something you haven't mastered yet.  What should that be for you?

Today is what matters.

It doesn't matter what you did yesterday, last week, month or year.  That was then. What are you going to do TODAY?

Forget what you aren't

In order to be good at something, you are going to have to choose, and let other things go.  You can't be a football player and a ballerina.  You can't be "well-rounded" if you are going to be good at something.  Don't worry about what you don't do, have no…


If a man has a skill that results in (job creation, value delivered to customers, buildings being built, taxes being paid) his becoming a millionnaire, should he stop doing it?  Or should he continue bringing that value to that marketplace?  If he becomes a billionnaire, is he greedy?  

Scarcity or abundance?

If your neighbor makes more money, does that make your chances of making more money better or worse? How about if your neighbor makes less money?

Pursue your dreams

"It's not who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me" - Ayn Rand Who can stop you? Nobody.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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