Think Daily by Larry Janesky

We are all moving in a direction in various parts of our lives; career, personal, financial, health, social... We can't go in two directions at once.  If we don't like where we are headed and want to change direction, we have to make a turn. We have to turn AWAY…

Our National Debt

Last month, the national debt surpassed $18 trillion. That’s $124,000 for each American household or $56,378 per individual. It took the country 205 years to accumulate its first trillion dollars of debt in 1981, but has only taken us 403 days to accumulate our most recent trillion. It’s hard to even think about numbers that big; if you were…

When a little tension is good

There's where you are, and where you see that you can be.  If they are in harmony, you will not grow and move forward.  But if you maintain a healthy tension between these two, you will keep moving forward.   Do you see a difference between where you are and…

Who expects you to grow?

If there are others around you who expect you to grow, expect the best from you, and push you, you are lucky.  Because if you had nobody around you who expected you to grow, you wouldn't expect it yourself, and you wouldn't grow. I expect you to grow.

"If you would, you could".

Many people say "If I could, I would".  But it's more like "I don't, so I can't". Self-discipline is the difference between intentions and accomplishment, between thoughts and achievement, and low and high performance. "If you would, you could". Will you?

Living Intentionally

Most people live with good intentions.  "I wish", "Someday I'll..." Good intentions aren't going to change anything, including your own situation. Living with intention is different.  "I will", "Action", "Today". People that live with intention each day are the minority. Which are you?

Tension in your soul

We have been conditioned to pursue a path; a career, a life, liesure activities that others are doing. We stay fairly close to the group because that's what is expected.   If we feel restless and unsatisfied, not because we haven't accomplished our goals yet but because we aren't doing…

Inventor Cuts Federal Taxes 10%

Well, the equivalent.  Because of the inventions of horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracking by a few innovators, the United States is no longer a net importer of oil.  This has created countless US jobs, and caused the price of oil to plummet via simple supply and demand.  This is not…

Feeling "Alive"

I don't know about you, but when I sit on the couch and watch tv for a couple hours I feel like I am wasting my time; I don't feel good about myself (unless I'm watching an uplifting movie).  Life is easy these days.  We can do pretty well and…

Hot Pursuit

So long as you are in active pursuit of a worthy goal, you are successful. Are you in action each day?  Hot pursuit?

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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