Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Selection and de-selection

Everything is a choice.  A minute is only singular.  We can only "spend it" doing one thing at a time. When we choose to spend it doing one thing, or with one person, we have chosen not to spend it doing hundreds of other things.   Choose wisely.

M = O – C

Mess = Obligation - Commitment Have you made an obligation but don't have the commitment to follow through? Oh boy.... If you want to clean up the mess you have to remove the obligation or commit to following through.


Many people are busy all day, but not accomplishing worthwhile things that take them closer to a bigger goal that is important to them. Don't confuse "busy" with "accomplishing worthwhile things". They aren't the same. Right?


He who has his health has 1000 dreams.  He who doesn't, has only one. How long will your habits keep you healthy?

Why work on you?

The whole idea of personal development is this - You can not change the world.  You can not change others.  But you can change yourself.  And when you do, your whole world will change. Work on you and your whole world will change.

What is failure?

Is it "I tried and didn't succeed the first time"? Are you kidding?  Nobody succeeds the first time; and the greater and more worthy of a thing they are attempting, the greater the chance they will not succeed on the second or third or fourth attempt either. But nobody ever…

Little Big Dreams

Some people want to climb Mt. Everest.  Some want to be billionaires.  Some want to win the Superbowl.  But all you want to do is go on a nice vacation, buy your first new car, or move to a better apartment. The process for accomplishing things large or small is…

Sometimes you have to live in denial

Thinking about how it is, attracts more of how it is.  When things are bad, don't get sucked in.  Live in a fictional place where things are good - and they are more likely to get good faster.

It's always sunny above the clouds

Your job is to operate above the clouds each day. - Get around positive people. - Listen to and read positive things. - Talk to yourself - with positive words. - Keep your goals positively in your mind. Stay above the clouds!

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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