Saving the world – at YOUR home.
At my company Dr. Energy Saver, the work we do everyday at homes like the one you live in, not only makes homes more comfortable, but saves the burning of fossil fuels and the greenhouse gas emissions that result. We do it, and ask our customers to do it, because…
Tell them now
Do you have relatives or friends who died before you could tell them what you wanted to say? Tell them now.
The Only "Luck"…
The only luck you'll ever have is the luck to be a disciplined learner, hard worker, discerning observer and persistent son-of-a gun! Are you lucky?
Love is a verb
Love is a verb. Help is a verb. Kindness is a verb. Compassion is a verb. A verb is an action word. Take action.
The world will tell you no. The world will tell you that you can't. The world will say you aren't smart enough, talented enough, fast enough, pretty enough or strong enough. They will say you aren't the one. Over and over again they will tell you no. You will tell…
Now is the time. She needs your help.
Dear Think Daily Community, I have never asked you for anything. Now I am. Click on the link below to the news article. Sandra Weiler was born with severe cerebal palsy. This didn't stop her from getting a college education, becoming a teacher, and opening her own day care business.…
Things Unseen
Your quality of life, standard of living, and all things seen come from what's unseen. What's in you?
Applied Knowledge or Primitive Man
You flip the switch and the lights come on so you can see after dark. You don't know how it works; it just does. You open the refrigerator door and inside is meat and cheese, even though you know nothing about electricity, refrigeration, hunting or farming. You turn the key…
Theaters of the mind
What movie has your imagination made up and run over and over that hasn't actually happened? Your mind and body will react to all of that as if it was real, and you will act in a manner to make it real, or at least real to you. Should you…
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We had Dr. Engery Saver at our home this time last year. Not only did I learn about my home, but I also was taught how some small changes could make a BIG difference. Dr. Engery Saver made improvements to my attic late last fall. What a difference. Can’t wait to take the next step to improving my living space.
You: “Sir Larry” are an awesome man. I am grateful for your book, “The Highest Calling which my friend Tim Byrne sent to me in Arizona 3 years ago. I have, like TIm, gifted others with it along the way and always with complete satisfaction.
Yes sir you are an awesome guy.
Thank you.
Thank you John Foristall If you give me your address I’ll send you The Highest Calling Audio!