Think Daily by Larry Janesky

"Imagination is the preview of life's coming attractions." - A. Einstein What do you imagine your life to be like in the future? What will you be doing? Where will you live? What are the other highights?

Self-Deception is Easy

The key to greater achievement in our lives is self-development; new thinking which leads to new action.  The reason we must change our minds to get different results is that we have been believing things about ourselves, other people, the marketplace and the world, that aren't correct.  When we believe…

"The wealthy don't pay their fair share!"

You may have heard this said.  Do you know how much they do pay?  The people that say this, don't. The top federal income tax rate is 39.6%.  State income taxes could be another 0-10%. There are no "loopholes".  So in my state, top earners pay 46.1% in income taxes…

A Sense of Destiny

Do you believe that you are here to be normal?  Maybe a little less? Or do you believe that you are here for some special reason, to accomplish something extraordinary, and be special in some way?

A Sense of Insecurity

If you have a sense of insecurity, like a feeling that you aren't fully accepted; that you are the underdog (like me), use it to your advantage.  It's a fuel. "I'll show them".

Delaying Gratification

If you eat all your seeds and save none to plant, you'll starve next year. If you have the ability to endure hardship AND a driving ambition, you'll easily delay gratification. Do you need instant gratification, or can you delay it?

Being unreasonable

Were all the great inventors and achievers of history trying to do "reasonable" things at the time? Are you?


To give is to receive.  A warm smile, a caring question, a gentle hand to the shoulder, a hug, or a caring gesture.  These are the things that make us feel best. Don't forget.

Spend less than you make

No matter how much you make, you can get into a lot of trouble by spending more than that. Learn how to be more valuable and make more if you need to and want to, but always spend less than you make.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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