Repelling what we want
If we say we want __________, and at the same time are jealous, envious, or critical of people who have it (have achieved/accomplished/done it) now, we are pushing it out of our lives, not attracting it. Do you do that?
See, I told you so…
We should go out in the world and look for evidence of what is right, not evidence that we are right. If we look for evidence that we are right, we will always find it - a justification of how we are thinking. Then we don't learn anything and…
Higher Taxes = Less Freedom
Yes, we need to pay taxes to pay for infrastructure, the common defense, and upholding the rule of law; and everyone should pay them. Consider, if one is a slave, they work for free (for others). If taxes consume 20% of one's labors, then one in five days of a…
You can't change the world
You can only change yourself; and if you do it well enough, parts of the world may move in your direction. Who do YOU need to be?
What you intend on doing doesn't count
Today, you can't enjoy the benefits of what you want to do, intend on doing, or even what you are going to do in the future. You have to do it first. What are you doing today?
Incorrect beliefs lead to incorrect action
When I was young, someone came in and told me an outlandish story about how they were severly mistreated by another group. I was so angry I ran outside and lashed out, yelling obcenities at the offending parties. Well, I was told a lie. It wasn't like that. I saw…
Adrenaline – good or bad?
Adrenaline + predictable outcome = excitement. Adrenaline + uncertain outcome = fear. Do you know the outcome?
More incomes per house
Remember "The Waltons"? Three generations living together. Today it seems the number of people in each household is getting smaller. A single income must support the mortgage/rent, utilities, property taxes, furniture, etc. etc. But if more people lived together, even if they weren't related (friends) and you had more incomes…
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“Hey” Back atcha! 🙂
That’s SO good! And we never know what price they paid to get there/ have it.