Palm Reading
It's in not the lines in your palm, the stars overhead, or in a fortune cookie. It's not in tarot cards, Ouija board or your past. It's not in your formal education, what anyone says about you, or what direction the economy is going. No, your destiny is not…
Personal interests are the seeds of talent
Most of the people you and I would call "talented", didn't start out that way. They weren't born as good as they are. How did they get this way? Practice, study, research, and persistence through unsuccessful early experiences. But what made them do all that? They were interested in it.…
You can't fix the world
If we are emotionally upset by the stupidity of others, their irresponsibility, and behavior that we would never engage in, and try to fix it all, we'll never be happy - there's just too much to fix. And while you're trying to fix "them", they are trying to fix you…
Like attracts like
Most people think about what they DON'T want - and they most often get it. Think about what you DO want. Thoughts become things.
"Some Rich People are Good"?
A teenager commented to me that "It's nice to know some rich people are good". I cringed. That's like saying "It's nice to know some poor people are good". The comment showed the teen's conditioning. There are "good" people, however you may define that, in all economic classes; and…
A Requirement for Happiness
People who do not take personal responsibility can not be fully happy with their lives, because they are always blaming others for their situation, and seeing themselves as victims. Only when you take full responsibility for everything in your life, is it possible to be really happy. Do you take…
"Self-Made Man"
We are all "self made", but only the successful will take credit for it. Do you?
Don't lose money
Let's say you have $1000 to invest. Then you gain 20% in a year. How much do you have? Then you lose 20% of the total the next year. How much do you have now? Next example - You have $1000 to invest. You lose 20% in a year.…
Why worry?
The greatest majority of the things we worry about will never come true, and the rest we can't do anything about. Worry is a misuse of our imagination. Don't worry! Go forward!
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I enjoy this Think Daily post. Being a recent college graduate there is always the pressure for young adults to get degrees to better their future. I have many peers that think because they didn’t continue their education that they aren’t going to go anywhere or be successful in anyway. Sure, if you’d want to become a doctor or a teacher there is some dire schooling involved. But, I don’t think that your future is so reliant on education. I think your future is what you make of it! Want an awesome future? Go do it! 🙂
It’s in the spirit of God in you.