You write a Think Daily message!
I've been writing unique messages for over 6 years now. Now it's your turn to write me one. I'll publish what I think are the best ones! Just hit the orange comment button and type away, and see what others wrote!
Be the work horse
At work, are you known for your work ethic? Are you known as the one who gets things done, makes things happen, doesn't make excuses and fights through adversity? If so, I'll bet that not only is your job secure, but you are given more opportunity. What do you think…
Developing your kids' beliefs
Kids will believe what they are repeatedly told by their parents. Sure, often they will develop their own beliefs about things as they get older, but often ideas stick, particularly ideas about themselves. What do your kids believe about themselves? What do they believe about the world? I think one…
Say YES!
Too many people make excuses to themselves and others why they can't or won't participate. They wind up bored and uninspired with a narrow view of the world. Say YES to trying new things! Say YES to learning new things! Say YES to new places! Say YES to adventure!…
There is no scarcity of what we want.
We may think that we are so very different from other people, but we are very much alike. We all want the same things. It's when we feel these things are scarce that the problems come. We compete for love and happiness and looking good to others - and…
Before we can lead others, or set out on a long journey towards a large and worthy goal for ourselves, we must be able to show self-control and self-discipline. If we can't lead ourselves, we can't live a great life. If you have not been very good at self-government in…
The Impossible
We can split an atom, land a spacecraft on a comet, and create disease-seeking robots on a nano scale and inject them into our bloodstream. But we will never get all the people around us to think like we do. What helpful understandings can we develop from knowing this is…
The Innovation that changed the world.
There used to be talk about running out of oil and gas - (along with coal) the cheapest sources of energy on earth. There was a time when hostile foreign countries held all the energy cards. American innovations changed all that. There are now eight states that, if they were…
Does Self Esteem Lead to Success?
Recently I heard an opinion that it was the other way around - success leads to self esteem. That makes some sense of course. So does the idea that if you feel good about yourself you are more likely to pursue and achieve goals. But is there a key ingredient…
Everybody has stuff that happened in the past. Some of us have relived it over and over and magnified its effects, and continue to carry it around. Full and unconditional forgiveness, of ourselves and others who did those things to us will liberate us, and make us lighter in…
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Larry, thanks for sharing your messages, and great idea to ask for input.
I own and operate a business with over 100 Associates. I spend part of most days walking around with a smile and saying hello…sometimes with a brief chat, but mostly a quick how are you.
And I give each Associate a cupcake on their birthday…..Associates tell me how great it makes them feel but really I get great pleasure from the daily personal connection….and learn something new every day about my business that I did not know.
Larry, I recognize how challenging it is to present these thoughts every day. Please know that they are appreciated and used regularly (and shared with others). Thank you.
What is your value?
Everything in life has some sort of value. If we want to become of higher value in the workplace we take courses, become more proficient at our required tasks, or put in more hours. We also have a value in our relationships and to ourselves. What value do you bring to your relationships and to yourself, and what are you doing to improve that value?
The only thing constant is change, so be the leader in changing and guiding your industry.
What are you saving them for?
Commonly at our bed and breakfast we have guests relaxing at our table sipping their morning coffee and enjoying breakfast on antique china and they will comment “We have dishes very similar to these, very pretty, they belonged to my grandmother.”
I ask, do you use them?
“No, they are stored in a china cupboard, we never use them. But they are very nice, just like these,” they reply.
What are you saving them for?
Pondering my question they answer “We haven’t really thought about that, we didn’t really ever think about using them.”
All you have is today. The most important people in your life are here right now, stop saving them for someone else, for some big occasion, today is that occasion.
Dust off those vintage dishes and serve up a home-cooked meal to those you love. Make the special dishes your everyday dishes once in a while and see what happens.
What is the difference between a net worker and a net worlder? We all network everyday in the workplace to help us get what we need or want to complete daily tasks. I like to act as a net worlder as much as I can. A net worlder tries to keep in touch with all his or her resources all the time and not just when they need something. I reach out and make calls to certain contacts just to say HI and see how they are doing.
We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone.
The quote begins by reminding us that we can’t help everyone, as not everyone wants help. There are also those who are beyond help. What can we do for them? Not a lot.
The quote finishes by reminding us that each and every one of us can find a someone out there to help. We can all do something, even if it is a small thing. For some, that is their job. For others, helping others is the last thing on their minds.
This quote is about raising our awareness, and helping us to see what we can do to help others. Each of us see so small a portion of our cities, and an even smaller part of the world. There are plenty of people who need help, and that can be anything from an encouraging word to a meal or a new friend.
Time-do you value your time? Do you value others’s time?
Time is one thing we never get back.
How you spend your time is your choice, but do you spend it wisely?
How you spend others’s time is also your choice, but do you show them you value them and their time?
A good employee values their leader’s time and their fellow team members’s time.
A good leader values their employees’s time and gives insight on time consumption and trains in efficient time use.
Today as you work, spend your time wisely. The clock only goes so far today, and you won’t regain this day again.
Here’s a simple but effective tip: think about choice and order. It makes a difference.
If I start the coffee brewing in the morning and then feed the cats, I’m more productive (and happy!) than if I did it the other way around.
If I take a minute to respond to that email on a project, and keep it moving, and then dive back into the document I’m writing, again I get more done.
The choices we make for tasks, and the order in which we do them, can contribute to keeping up both productivity and job satisfaction. Simple but true.
“The cavalry ain’t coming. You’ve got to do this yourself.” -Christopher Gardner
We plan and plot our route to success, adapting to circumstances as they change. If no one helps us, we succeed. When someone does come and help us, so much the better! But we never get stuck, needing rescue, success dependent on the intervention of others, passively waiting for it to come or complaining that others didn’t hand us success. The cavalry ain’t coming. You do it yourself.
We have the means and capacity to deal with our problems if only we can find the will.
Without sales the company won’t last. But that doesn’t just mean a a sales person is needed – a whole sales system, a grand sales strategy, a sales machine is necessary.
What are the ways to successfully sell the company’s product and services? What support and training do the sales people need – from management above, assistants below, marketing and product technical alongside? What’s the efficient plan to hire new sales people and have them turning their time into profit as quickly as possible?
If the business owner doesn’t know or value this, who else in the company can?
“A company is a machine for turning marketing dollars poured in the top into profit coming out the bottom.” – a paraphrased quote I found, attribution needed (sorry!)
What’s stopping this from being true in your company? Do some gears need oiling? Is some subsystem missing? Are there needless systems distracting the flow of profit out the bottom? Is there anybody other than you that can fix it?
But oh the beauty of the machine when it works!
What are ten two letter words to keep think about from time to time?
“If it is to be it is up to me!
Stay Driven
It’s the driven ones that make a difference in our companies. They do anything and everything for the company, no matter what the job is, they’re always determined to get it done and get it done proficiently. We value these employees and strive to keep them motivated. The longer we keep them motivated, the longer we can retain them. Moving into a more managerial role in our company, I more and more see the importance of keeping our employees motivated. What are some creative strategies you are using to keep your employees motivated? Can you identify the driven ones in your company?
In my construction business “every board every nail” was told to me many years ago:) only resent have I come to terms with that saying! So…… you say Larry “why are they still working with me?”
Life is too short to play Solitaire.
Making bad decisions does not make you a bad person.. it only makes you a bad decision maker…
It’s your life; you get to decide how it goes. You can build prosperity, joy, adventure and/or love… or you can make excuses for why you don’t have those things.
‘And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was greater than the risk it took to bloom”. (Anais Nin)
The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave your city of comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.
You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk – by not quite knowing what you’re doing.
What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself. (Alan Alda)
Success is not a matter of skill, but of passion. How bad do you want it?
“You can’t steal 2nd with your foot on first”
We all started our businesses by taking risks. We can’t expect it, or ourselves, to grow unless we continue to take risks.
We tend to worry a lot about the “machinery” used to make a business work be that equipment, machines, buildings,computers, contracts, etc.
We need to keep in mind one of the most important things needed- and that is people. Hippocrates said, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.”
Stay healthy, take care of yourselves, and your personal “machinery” will soar to great heights.
When the minds eye is clean the heart is clear of its purpose…
” Plan the work and work the plan”
– How would you expect him to be ?
– Is he running around expending energy ?
uselessly and unexpectedly ?
– No sir ree its Focused energy on productivity and Positivity ! with Creativity.
The lazy man says, “There is a lion outside!
I shall be slain in the streets!”…
This is a proverb that whispers to me whenever I find an excuse to not complete a task or try something new. This gift of life that we have is not for us to sit and waste. A great mentor of mine, Dr Kim Carmichael always says” never go to the grave full.
The next time excuses present themselves… do the opposite of the lazy man and GO Get That Lion!!!
Ask, Believe, Receive: Simple but it works!
People who care go to their job to work – Do as much as they can for what they get and get what they deserve.
People who don’t care go to work to their job. – Do as little as possible for as much as they can get and deserve what they get.
Which one are you?
The unconscious world – Most of what I read in your think daily are what folks already do naturally without knowing or seeing what they are doing. You keep opening my vision wider and wider to the unconscious world I live in.
My Favorite quote
“To desire is to obtain, to aspire is to achieve”
Time Management?
I hear “I don’t have time” or “When I get the time” often. Some view this as a time management issue. Fair enough.
Another way to look at it is a desire management problem.
Choose what you desire, don’t believe everything you think, be intentional about your desires and you will have all the time you need.
If at first you don’t succeed try doing what your coach said in the first place.
Do you wake up in the morning excited about the day to come? If not, then why?
Don’t be so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Larry — you had written Obligation – Commitment = Mess
So I asked what is Commitment — I came up with:
Commitment = Ability + Resources + Will
If you are faced with a problem or a decision that you are simply not able to understand or not able to see the best solution for, simple take a step away from it. Look at it from a distance. Pay less attention to the detail. Then, when you can see the trees you will be able to find the wood and the best solution.
Your kids WILL NOT be perfect, in spite of your best efforts they will make mistakes… sometimes really big ones. They will need you the most when they feel they have let you and themselves down. When those mistakes happen, BE THERE!!
An Old Cherokee told his grandson,
“My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.”
The boy thought about it and asked, “Granfather, which wolf wins?”
The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed”