Think Daily by Larry Janesky
You write a Think Daily message!

I've been writing unique messages for over 6 years now.  Now it's your turn to write me one. I'll publish what I think are the best ones!  Just hit the orange comment button and type away, and see what others wrote!

Be the work horse

At work, are you known for your work ethic?  Are you known as the one who gets things done, makes things happen, doesn't make excuses and fights through adversity? If so, I'll bet that not only is your job secure, but you are given more opportunity. What do you think…

Developing your kids' beliefs

Kids will believe what they are repeatedly told by their parents. Sure, often they will develop their own beliefs about things as they get older, but often ideas stick, particularly ideas about themselves. What do your kids believe about themselves?  What do they believe about the world?  I think one…

Say YES!

Too many people make excuses to themselves and others why they can't or won't participate. They wind up bored and uninspired with a narrow view of the world. Say YES to trying new things!   Say YES to learning new things! Say YES to new places! Say YES to adventure!…

There is no scarcity of what we want.

We may think that we are so very different from other people, but we are very much alike.  We all want the same things.   It's when we feel these things are scarce that the problems come.  We compete for love and happiness and looking good to others - and…


Before we can lead others, or set out on a long journey towards a large and worthy goal for ourselves, we must be able to show self-control and self-discipline.  If we can't lead ourselves, we can't live a great life. If you have not been very good at self-government in…

The Impossible

We can split an atom, land a spacecraft on a comet, and create disease-seeking robots on a nano scale and inject them into our bloodstream.  But we will never get all the people around us to think like we do.  What helpful understandings can we develop from knowing this is…

The Innovation that changed the world.

There used to be talk about running out of oil and gas - (along with coal) the cheapest sources of energy on earth.  There was a time when hostile foreign countries held all the energy cards. American innovations changed all that.  There are now eight states that, if they were…

Does Self Esteem Lead to Success?

Recently I heard an opinion that it was the other way around - success leads to self esteem.  That makes some sense of course.  So does the idea that if you feel good about yourself you are more likely to pursue and achieve goals. But is there a key ingredient…


Everybody has stuff that happened in the past.  Some of us have relived it over and over and magnified its effects, and continue to carry it around.   Full and unconditional forgiveness, of ourselves and others who did those things to us will liberate us, and make us lighter in…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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