Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Learning Unnecessary Things

When we try new things, we make mistakes and learn things. If we work on things that are not necessary to our ultimate goal, we will learn things that aren't directly applicable to where we want to be. But if we go in the right direction early and work on…

Who is good at everything?

Nobody.  So it should not surprise us that we aren't good at things.  What's more important is to find and focus on the things we are good at.   Develop your strengths.

Expanded Association

There are people we should get to know, or people that we know that we should get to know better.  People that inspire us, fill us up, and are sources of knowledge and positive new experiences. Who should you expand your association with?

Limited Association

It's great to have a diversity of friends.  Of course, some friends are better than others.  There are people that we are best to leave as "one hour friends".   Right?

Grow intentionally

Making ourselves better than we were yesterday doesn't happen by accident or just because we want it to. We have to do something to make it so. What do you have to do to grow?  Study?  Read?  Run?  Call an expert?  Have a friend help you work the problem out…

Bet on YOU!

Get yourself good books and audiobooks.   If you don't bet on you, why should anyone else?

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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