Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Take action!

You're supposed to leave footprints in the sands of time - not butt prints. Let's go!

So you want to be like someone else?

Sometimes we can look at others (when they are having a good day), and wish we were like them.   Of course, we can be lots of things if we chose.  But when we look at others we have to ask "Do I want to do what they did, until…

Build Immunity to fear

It may not be easy some days, but we must build our immunity to fear and doubt and rejection.   Ask "What is the worst that can happen?", and resolve that you can live with the worst case scenario if it happens.  Then work to make a much better outcome…

Give a command to your search engine

Whatever we believe about the world, we will find evidence to support.  We are always right. Goals are simply a set of instructions to our brain of what to look for.  If it knows what you are searching for, it will find evidence, tools, materials, people, and all kinds of…

Who chose your life?

Many of us are "given a life"; a set of circumstances and expectations, good or bad, to live in.  Often, we will live that life because the track was set when we were children and we did not have a choice.   But we don't have to live any life…

What does your boss value?

It sounds so simple - find out what your supervisor, manager and company values and become expert at delivering it.   You may think you know, but maybe you don't.  Take the first step - ask. "What is the best thing that I could do for the company (in this…

New decision – new life.

It's never too late to decide who you are, and who you are going to be in the world.  We all have beliefs about ourselves; what we are capable of, what we deserve, and what and who we like and don't like. But we can change them, and make a…

Turn Pro Early

At work, when you "Turn Pro", and become the very best you can be by asking, learning, mastering and applying what is needed to be in the top 5% at the job, you will earn more money, and get more opportunities. What kind of difference can that make in your…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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