Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Public Declaration

When we want to accomplish a goal, declaring it publicly is one way to keep ourselves on track. If we quit, we know others will know that we said one thing, and we didn't do it. So we stay with it. Today, I am riding in the desert. I may…

Today, I'm trying to sleep.

I'm in the San Nicolas Hotel in Ensenada, Mexico. I rested yesterday and slept as much as I could last night. I'm trying to sleep more. At midnight, I will have a helmet and riding boots on. I'll have carbon fiber neck and knee braces on. I'll have a hydration…

Borrowing against your savings

I hear about people who have 401K plans to save for retirement, and then borrow against their account. This makes no sense at all. We must learn to live on a fraction of our take home pay. In the book "The Richest Man in Babylon," a personal finance classic, it…

The Black Magic of Compound Interest

When you borrow, compound interest is working against you. Credit cards can be 10% to 25% interest! Once you borrow at those high rates, the credit card company says you only have to make a minimum interest payment, because they don't want you to pay the money back. Why? The…

The Magic of Compound Interest

If you saved $1000 one time, and got 5% interest each year, in 40 years you'd have $7,039. At 10% interest, in 40 years, you'd have $45,259.   Can you save money?  If not, by definition, you will always be broke. If you can save money, and invest it to get…

Making an Impact

Today I'd like to send you a link to a speech I presented at our company's annual convention in September. I wanted to show how we have an Impact in the world in an unexpected way. The talk is 72 minutes long so check it out when you have time. …

Golden Books

Are you an adult learner? What that means is you read at least a couple books a month, and you listen to podcasts and audiobooks about things that will help you accomplish your major goals that you have written down and keep in front of you (you do have major…

Take control of your body language

What you do with your body affects how you feel, the results you get, and how others respond to you.  It sounds so simple, but smile, stand up straight, and put a spring in your step. Yes, even if you don't feel like it - and that's the point. When…

The Trifecta – Sleep, Diet and Exercise

Eat, move, sleep.  One affects the other.  When I don't get enough sleep, I am lifting my energy with more food, junk food, and coffee. Then I don't feel like exercising.  It's a downward spiral. When I get enough sleep, it's easier to eat right and by eating right, I…

Stoicism 101

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy that teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. A stoic accepts what is out of his control, and controls what he can - his own actions. He/she seeks to act with virtue at all times. It is…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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