Think Daily by Larry Janesky
A new decision

This is happening in your life. You did this and that happened.   You tried it and you learned something. You're in charge. What's the next move?

No risk, no story to tell.

To accomplish anything worthwhile, to live a full, exciting life, and move towards what you are really capable of doing, you need to take some risks. Sometimes it's a physical risk.  But most times it's in your head - risk of embarrassment, loss of time, loss of opportunity, or just…

Everyone thinks this is cool…

Too often we chase things that other people think we should do, have, or be.  Many people become addicted with and self-identified with things that come from consensus.  Social media is a great tool to live this way. But if you live like this, one day you will start to…

Being calm

"It's difficult to be calm until you've lost a lot and won a lot." As a child we get upset about small things, and we feel a thrill winning small games. As we grow we play different "games" and the stakes are higher. I have lost a lot.  When a…

A you one of the few?

Only a few Americans have clearly defined written goals. Less than 1% can identify their primary objective in life. Are you one of them?  

Which wolf wins? A Think Daily subscriber named Doc Holladay commented on a post a few days ago and put a link to this song he wrote a couple of years ago.  I thought the song could be a huge hit! Check it out and you tell me. OR - tell him…

Living with your decisions – or not

Sometimes there is something that is troubling you each day that you have to deal with.  Often it is from a poor decision you made in the past.   Sometimes to solve the problem you need to undo that decision to make your life better or solve that problem. New information,…

Living Longer – part 2

Studies have revealed that people with positive views of old age do better than people with negative views. People with the brightest beliefs live 7 1/2 years longer than people with the gloomiest beliefs! I turn 60 next month and I am looking forward to the decade!  I'm gonna rock…

Living Longer

In industrialized countries about 1 in 6000 people make it to age 100.   One in 5 million make it to be 110 years old.  The oldest human was 122 years, 164 days old. Personally, my goal is to live to be 100.  But of course, some people are in such…

Which version of you wins?

In different situations, we can be kind, helpful, productive, happy, and centered, etc, OR rude, callous, bitter, violent and jealous, etc. We all have the potential for each version in us, and we have all brought each side out at times - at our best and worst moments. In this…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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