Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Live like life depends on it.

Because it does. What you do today will affect how things are tomorrow for you.   The time to make your life better for today, was yesterday. The time to make your tomorrow better is right now. What do you need to do today?

Your fingerprints

Each job you do is a self portrait. You leave your work behind for all to see or experience.  No matter what you do, autograph your work with excellence. If you don't, you'll be trapped in a mediocre existence. If you do, good things will happen. How are you going…

Habits make the man

Some people read - every day. Some people smoke - every day. Some people drink six cups of coffee - every day. Some people watch two hours of tv, workout, stop at McDonalds, run, work on their project, hangout someplace, or spend time on their obsession - every day. The…

What your schedule says about what's important to you

Most people say they want this and that. But when you look at what they actually did today, you will find what is really important. Did they spend time working on the next step to take them to their major goals? Did they learn something new that they need to…

Strengthened by adversity

Each generation talks about it - "what we went through made us tougher".  When we experience adversity, we don't get rattled by small stuff much anymore.   If we haven't been blessed to have any real external adversity in our lives, we need to create some for ourselves.  Attempt difficult things,…

How do others feel after being around you?

If we feel irritated, conflicted, or bad about ourselves after interacting with someone, we don't have a very favorable impression of that person and we are not likely to want to be around them again or do anything to make their life easier. But if someone makes us feel good…

We all like positive attitudes

One study showed that 95% of people who were fired were not let go because of incompetence, but rather the inability to get along with others. A positive attitude and ability to work in harmony with others was also correlated with getting promoted. It seems that people in positions to…

Dig deep

I wrote this long before the race, but right now, Tanner and I should be about mile 780 ish. That was my goal, make it to mile 780 by the second daybreak Pacific Time. Hopefully we are around Lareto which is mile 800. Hopefully I made it about 280 -…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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