Genius or Good Character? (revisited)
Last week I posed a question - "Would you choose genius or good character?" If I had to choose, I'd choose good character. Without good character you will have many problems in life. Fortunately, having good character is a choice. Being a genius - less of a choice. (Being well…
My definition of character is “Character is what you do when only God is watching”. Peter
I like Peter’s comment so much that I wanted to write and “second” it!
An interesting observation about genius is that those who we see as “genius” may not necessarily see themselves that way. As the saying goes, “The more we know, the more we know we don’t know”. Those with little education, skills or experience will see many more “geniuses” around them than others might. The takeaway here is that anyone can be a “genius” in the eyes of someone. When we build our products and services to appear as “genius” to our customers then we have something that will really sell! It takes effort to be a “genius” but sometimes not as much as we might think. Persistent and constant improvement is often all it takes.