Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Genius or Good Character? (revisited)

Last week I posed a question - "Would you choose genius or good character?" If I had to choose, I'd choose good character.  Without good character you will have many problems in life. Fortunately, having good character is a choice.  Being a genius - less of a choice.  (Being well…

Would you choose genius or good character?

If you had a choice to be a genius with bad character flaws or have good character, which would you choose? The genius will not have many friends and be frustrated that his talents will never be fully appreciated or used because people don't want to work with him. The…

Wise Thinking

Positive thinking is great.  It will allow you to do far more than if you did not have it.  But positive thinking alone won't keep you out of trouble.  You have to think about what could go wrong and ensure it doesn't or be ready for it. Positive Thinking +…

Take action to get motivation

Action is not always the result of motivation. More often it is the cause of it. Do the thing you should/ought to/ that will bring you closer to your goals, and soon enough, you will feel like doing it.

The time is now…

"A man who began so young and strong, only to surrender..." - Jackson Browne, "The Pretender" This chance won't last forever. Take it.

Skills – Use it or lose it.

But if you never TRY to use it, you won't have it in the first place. Everyone that's ever done anything, did it for the first time. We are all unqualified at first. Do it.  Learn.  Do it again and again. That's how you become qualified/good/an expert/not afraid or uncomfortable…

Freaks of Nurture

Your personality is your tendency, not your destiny.   You can learn to apply character and values in situations that are not inherently natural for you. Be influenced by the right voices. Work on it every day.   I do.

What information filter are you using?

We get a lot of information - whether we seek it out on purpose or it comes anyway. What filter do you use to determine what is worth paying attention to and what is valuable - and what is not? Is it confirmation bias - you want to be right…

"Atmospheric Conditions"

Joe Polish says "If you understand the atmospheric conditions of somebody's life, it makes sense why they are the way they are." You can change atmospheric conditions.  As an adult, you have that power. What conditions will you change in your life?

The best information may cost some money

"Don't evaluate something on what it costs.  Evaluate it on what it is worth." - Jim Rohn The best information may cost some real money.   Often you don't so much need the information yourself, but you need the person who has and uses it on your behalf. The right information…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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