Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Make NEW Mistakes

People who make the same mistakes over and over again are not learning.  They are not willing to see that they are the cause and make adjustments. The world will keep throwing the same problems/issues/crises at you until you learn to be better. Once you learn and stop making mistakes…

Your body is talking. Are you listening?

You eat a big meal and you feel stuffed and tired - what does that tell you (me)? You eat sugar and feel better for a few minutes and then you crash - what does that tell you? You do something and it hurts - what does that tell you?…

Can I get a witness?

"Witness" what is happening in your life. Rise above yourself and look down and see what is going on. Where are you? Who is around you? Who are you being? What are your habits? How do you respond to events and the actions of others? How are you thinking and…

Reasoning Thought

It has been said so many ways - before action comes thought. "Everything around us that supports our standard of living and survival is a result of man's capacity for reasoning thought and subsequent action." - Ayn Rand If someone is having trouble, it's a thinking problem. Develop your ability…


Many people won't take a step if they can't see the whole staircase.   But the reality is that great destinations don't lie at the top of short staircases where you can see the whole journey before you start. You can see the next step - take it.

Event + Response = Outcome

Events happen - to everybody.  Good events, bad events. God knows I have had "events" in my life.  Really great ones.  Really bad ones. When I watched my dream house with 50-foot flames reaching up to the sky - yea that was a good one.  It's the response to events…

We are not all the same.

I am a people watcher.  I find it fascinating. I was on a flight recently (coming back from my Vegas to Reno race)  and a very large man sits next to me.  He turns on football on his phone with headphones then falls asleep.  Then wakes up to have two…

Do your habits support your dreams?

Your habits, repeated over and over, will take you somewhere.  The question is where? Will your habits take you where you want to go?   If your habits are not in alignment with your dreams, you can either lower your dreams, or elevate your habits. Which is it for you?  …

Tough people are forged from challenge

"An easy life does not make men.  Challenges make men and it is these men who build nations." - Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, leader of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and five other city-states). Hard times make tough people.  Tough people make good times.  Good times make…

Education available to all

A few chapters ago, the king knew more than the people and had the power. In the last chapter, only people who could afford could get a higher education. In this chapter where everyone has a supercomputer in their pocket connected to all the world information, education is available to…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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