Loneliness or Solitude?
"Our language has wisely...created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone." - Paul Tillich When you are alone, do you love the one you're with?
"Don't hang around with ________. He's a bad kid"
Your mother knew something. And you know it too. Who are you hanging around with these days?
Training yourself how to think
You should make no distinction between purposeful training and daily living. Everything you do counts. With your daily habits you are training yourself how to think, what to think about, and cementing your worldview. Years of watching the wrong stuff on tv, reading ______, hanging around with the wrong people…
What decision can you make now that will change your life in the direction you want to go? Our lives are shaped by decisions. ?
"Quitting is not an option"
Nothing great was ever accomplished overnight. No great careers happened in a year. No great skill was developed after trying a few times, or a few hundred. No extraordinary results were accomplished in ordinary time. When you go into an endeavor, and go back into it each day with the…
Set yourself on fire
That project you are doing (or dreading); the chore you've been putting off; that challenge you think you're not quite prepared for... Why not embrace it? Instead of just getting through it, why not see if you can do something really cool - really great, different and/or masterful with it?…
Health should be a priority
You don't think about the brakes in your car until you have none. You may not think about your health until one day...then it's too late. So, eat right, sleep enough, move that body at regular intervals. Make your health a priority. If you don't, not much else matters when…
Your finest hour?
One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.
You aren't responsible for your childhood…
You are responsible for your adulthood. How's that going?
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This one hits home!
Thanks Larry!!! This is so true. I enjoy other people but, I love the security of my own solitude. No one can replace my daughters who I last saw 15 years ago however, I can “be with them” in the joy and peace of my own solitude. No one can deprive me of that.
I guess that is why I appreciate riding bikes with good friends: once the helmet is on I’m back in the safely of my solitude. It is like pray: being thankful that I never experience the pain of loneliness, as I’m not alone.
Now THAT is a great question…
Visit https://youtu.be/Bg_Q7KYWG1g … How ya livin?
I do not comment on much because my voice is rarely heard. I will say this post hits home. How many times do we defend ourselves out of pride or when it is not even necessary? How many times are both parties saying the same thing in a different prospective yet meaning the same thing? So the question is how much do we care or love the other party? How much pride are we willing to swallow or how good of a listener are we to conciser the others feelings? I fall short no doubt. Does this mean I love any less than another? No. It means I need to Improve. Admitting this means nothing if I do not take action to improve myself. Thank you for your charismatic advice and I always look forward to your emails every day.