Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Celebrate your progress

Celebrate your progress, but not based on the ideal perfect life; everything accomplished. Celebrate it based on where you came from. You can never get to the horizon.

Opportunity Knocks…

If you answer the door, work will be standing there. We all get opportunities.  Small ones at first.   To take advantage of them and get bigger opportunities, you have to do the work.

Had to be there to be here…

You had to be there to be here - right? And your being here is a stepping stone to be somewhere else - right? Your current situation - quicksand or springboard. A choice. It's up to you...

Ripples across humanity

The other day I was going into a diner and a woman was coming out and said "Hey I know you!  I get your messages every morning and I really love them.  I have a business and I have used all your ideas."   I didn't know her, and maybe I'll…

Pain can be a gift

Pain can be a gift.   "Damn it!  I'm pissed off enough to make the change in myself I need to but haven't!" Hurt enough yet?

Be unreasonable

People who are reasonable don't chase big goals - and don't catch them either. People who are reasonable know when to quit - and they do. People who are reasonable listen to others who caution them to play it safe. People who accomplish great things are NOT reasonable.

Where seeds grow best

The seeds of your dreams grow best in the compost of your past. Stuff happened.  You've learned a bunch of things.  You're smarter now. You're ready.

No evidence of success

No evidence of success is not evidence you can not be successful. It just means you haven't done what it takes - yet. Yet.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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