A good day today sets you up for another…
Doing your best in this moment sets you up for the next. Having a great hour improves your chances that the next hour will go well too. Having a good day, increases your chances of having another one. There's a great case to do your best in the next five…
When life gives you a sh*t sandwich…
The measure of a person is how they respond when things go bad. How are you responding?
Success is…
There are a lot of different definitions of success, and I think the variation is from different people wanting different things. Here's one definition from Kathy Kolbe - Success - the freedom to be yourself.
No goals, No problems.
If we aren't trying to change what is and make it better, then we have no problems. The minute we set a goal is the minute we start having problems. How to do it? Where to get the resources and knowledge? Who to have help us? And if we set…
Sugar, bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, sugary drinks... - that's the problem. We don't need it. Substitute...
Inner Strength Required
Inner resilience is necessary to achieve outer results. Working on you can develop it.
How would you measure success?
How would you know if you were "successful" in your life? What would your life be like to make you feel successful? Let's have everyone hit the orange button and let us know in the comments. Go ahead!
What is YOUR best life?
You have but one life. If you were to manifest and live your best life, what does that look like? What would you do? Who are you being? What are you experiencing? What are you giving? Spend some time on this question. Because even you are far off your ideal…
Who am I becoming?
What is your current life doing to you? The place you live. The environment. The people that are around you. What you pay attention to. What you eat and drink. What you choose to do each day... Who are you becoming?
Childhood is a short season
"Childhood is a short season" - Helen Hayes It went by so quickly - didn't it? What about your twenties? Same there. Thirties? Forties? Like a flash, right? Fifties - yup, gone in no time... How many days and years and decades will pass until you do that thing you've…
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Ive said this before, “I look forward to reading ‘Think Daily’ inspirational messages every morning”. But this one, about having a Good Day, was really what I needed right now. I’m saving it!