Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Your body talks – to you.

Body language is both a cause and effect of emotion. If you are feeling down, your body will droop.  Conversely, if you droop your body, you will start to feel down. Knowing this, you can create positive emotions by putting your body in a position to create the positive emotions…

Direction over time = destination

If a plane is a few degrees off course, after 3000 miles it winds up in a very different place. So it is with you.   Financial, health, eating, exercise, relationships, skills.... Can you make minor course corrections in your habits that will make a big difference over time?

Think better than the average guy

Your brain is 2% of your body weight and takes 20% of the energy (20 watts of power). So you should eat well, sleep well, and take care of your body so you can think better than the average guy. Better thinkers win.

"But, will I encounter hardship?"

Of course.  It's not whether you get obstacles or hardships, it's how you handle them. Control the controllables. Think clearly and make a plan. Focus on the next step. Keep moving.

Become a threat

Become a threat to your excuses and old habits. Become a threat to your lazy brain that doesn't want to do any new thinking.  The new you threatens the old you?  Perfect.   Let's confront it, and then release it...and finally put the old self to rest.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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