Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Buying American – Patriotic? Part 3

If we say that we should buy American solely because we are American and we feel it is immoral or unjust to buy goods made elsewhere, then we are ignoring free-market capitalism - what works.  When people trade with each other, they are looking for the best deal, the right…

Buying American – Patriotic? Part 2

Free trade and free-market capitalism, which was embraced by the United States before it was most other places (some places still don't have it and they suffer), has caused the standard of living to skyrocket and lifted billions of people out of poverty.  This works.  It always works.  It never…

Is "Buy American" Patriotic?

Ok, I try not to raise too many feathers on Think Daily, but once in a while I take a chance.  I do not want anyone to unsubscribe.  Last week I threw it out there with great success with the Income Inequality ideas.  Here we go again. I am an…

Is working harder the secret?

If I labor all day shoveling dirt, burning thousands of calories and sweating, with my muscles aching, should I get paid more than others who don't work as hard? Comment with the orange button, and I will answer this tomorrow.

Atoms and Electrons

There are two worlds we live in - the physical world and the digital one. When we are in the digital world looking at a screen, it's a world of unlimited information and intrigue.  But when we finally look away and stand up, we are reintroduced to the physical world,…

How to be average

If you accept average advice from average people living average lives, can you expect to be anything but average?

Character Counts – "From the Invisible…"

When I was a teen, there was a kid one year older than me and my best friend, who had a hot car and a hot girlfriend.  We looked up to him.  He seemed to have it all together.  Today he lives in a shed. What happened?  He is dishonest. …

Spending your way to BROKE

A sports star with an unprecedented 110 million dollar contract spent it all and had to declare bankruptcy.  So did rapper 50 Cent.  This shows that no matter how much you make, you must spend less.   Work to become more valuable to others and make more, but no matter what…

Income inequality – Part 2

I want to live in a world with income inequality, and here's why. If I have no incentive to work harder, learn more, work longer, and deliver better value to others, then I won't.  If others do not have that incentive, then they will not, and be unable to give…

Income inequality

We hear about income inequality as an injustice, and there may be valid examples, but we don't hear about production inequality. Some people create far more value for other people than others do.  Until everyone is equal in that regard, there will be income inequality. Some people think far more…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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