Think Daily by Larry Janesky
A man comes out of the woods….

If you have lived in the woods your whole life and someone gives you ice cream - Wow! you say. But if you eat ice cream every night, it's not so surprising. What if you came out of the woods and someone gives you a beer?  Whoa! A cigarette? Seriously? …

What do you think?

This is a very important question.  Most of our thinking is stimulus-driven.  In other words we think about subjects brought to us by others - email, social media, "news", etc. and our opinions about the subjects others are talking about are the opinions expressed by others. If you shut off…

What growth feels like

You aren't sure how this is going to go.  You feel nervous.  Anxiety.  You're asking questions (a little frantically) to save your own skin.  You're a little (or a lot) scared.  You might second guess and want to go back or quit.  Butterflies. This is what growth feels like.  Stick…

Self-limiting beliefs

If we have beliefs that are untrue, (and I believe we all do), they can hold us back for a lifetime. It's like having your foot on the brake of your progress. What do you think is true, that if you really looked at it, is not?

Dysfunctional parts of our economy

Yesterday we talked about two things that must be present to have a dynamic marketplace that puts out great products and services for us; we consumers.  In doing so we get to live an ever greater standard of living for less work on our part, as enterprises get better and…

Is working harder the secret? (Answer)

Last week I asked this question and asked for your comments on the subject.  Many of you did comment.  I said I'd give my thoughts the next day, but I never did!  So here goes. The best system for raising people up is one where people are free to pursue…

Buying American – Patriotic?

I didn't realize there would be so much to say on this subject when I began writing.  But sound bites that you can fit on a bumper sticker fuel ignorance.  "Buy American - save our jobs".  "Support the union and support jobs".  Sounds ok.  But it's not in our interest…

Buying American – Patriotic? Part 4

I drive a Chevy pickup truck.  I think they make the best pick up trucks in the US.  I am a bit ignorant because I have never driven many of the foreign brands, but I like my brand and it WORKS for me, so I stick with it. I drive…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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