Take Control
There were times in my life when I felt things were going off the rails or a situation was bad and I felt powerless. Maybe it was a persistent disempowering relationship that I didn't want to disrupt, but at the same time I was being disrespected or kicked around. Maybe…
Confident but Open
If you don't understand paradox, then personal development advice can seem a little confusing at times. A paradox is when one thing is true, and the opposite is also true. It also may be a statement that contradicts itself. Like work hard and do what it takes, but get enough…
Willing to look foolish?
That's the only way you can make bold moves forward. Do things you have never done before. Sometimes you will look stupid because you are not good at it yet. But you have to be willing to be bad at it before you can be good at it. Are you…
You're not responsible for your childhood
When we were kids we didn't have any control or choice in what was going on. You are not responsible for your childhood. Now you are an adult and you are responsible for your life. If you don't take full responsibility, you will have to accept what happens to you,…
Projecting the past into the future
Each morning we get out of bed and live a day that is an extension of the previous ones. But human beings are the only species who have a choice and can change their lives at will. Remember that.
Did that happen to you, or for you?
Option 1 - Something bad happens and you stop, become paralyzed and haunted by it, and are a victim. Option 2 - Something bad happens, it sucks and you cry for a very short time, then see what opportunities arise as a result, (or make one). You keep moving forward…
Be the Cause
What causes what you want? That is known. Do you know it? Find out. Whatever you want to accomplish, do or be, there are attributes and actions that cause and attract it. You can't just get what you want, you have to do something and be something to cause it. …
Invest in your own education
Why do we spend $20,000 - $50,000 a year to send our kids to college so they can learn stuff they probably will not use because they don't know what they want to do and are not aware of what a career in that field is like or what it…
Discipline = Freedom
The paradoxical truth is that discipline and hard work buy your freedom. People who don't work hard or constantly give in to their lower impulses have limited options and have to accept what they get. I work hard, so I don't have to work hard. I discipline myself so someone…
Prioritization – a master skill
Most people are busy, but most are not successful or using much of their potential. The most successful people don't waste much time on activities that are of little importance to their future. What is least important and of little value tomorrow? What most important and of highest value tomorrow? …
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When we are finally done with bad relationships or unhealthy work environment, or even disadvantageous partnership and we make decision to leave we are called selfish, often by those left behind. We are finally free and its time to build ourselves back, build back self-worth, self-esteem. It was very hard decision, we had to suffer long enough, exhaust all the options to make it work and admit that we failed and its time to come to terms with it. The hardest times I think is afterwards, we know we failed and we blame ourselves, we dig in memories trying to find mistakes we made. Its hard to leave, usually takes years, but its much harder to start over. Will we be able to believe, to open up, to trust again? Will we believe we are worth it another chance? That’s the hardest part because bad experience holds us back. What makes us think we will succeed next time if we failed trying so hard in the past?