Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Comparison – the thief of joy.

Looking at others for inspiration and good examples is fine.  But too often, people get envious, jealous, or feel inferior.  That's not good. There will always be someone with more muscles, more money, better looking, bigger boat, more and nicer cars, or more smarts than you.  This should not be…

You are the world

We don't see things as they are, we see things as WE are. Two people will be looking at the same thing, and see it differently. We are our own truth. Our lens is unique.  It's based on decisions we already made about ourselves, other people, and about the world.…

When bad things happen part 2

continued thoughts on "When life hits you hard" by Jordan Petersen - Responsibility is not a burden.  It is the path forward.  The more responsibility you take, the stronger you become.  You're a person who is actively creating your future.   When life knocks you down, resist the urge to stay…

When bad things happen…

I got these notes from Jordan Petersen. When life hits you hard -  Accept it and don't deny reality, don't argue with what is. Own it - don't blame others; reclaim your power. Decide who you want to be because of it - coming out of it. Let go of…

Try to control only what you can.

Stoicism is kind of like "the Serenity prayer philosophy".  "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Many people try to control the things they can't control.  Some people try to…


Confidence is the foundation of courage and the mainspring of action. - Yoritomo Tashi, 1186 AD Confidence comes from preparation.

Steering your life in your favor

Life is full of decisions.  Days are too.  A decision is an intersection.  Go this way or that way. Having goals is important.  Know what outcome you want and where you want to end up. Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor. They tell you…

Doing what you love doesn't mean it's fun all the time

We hear "do what you are passionate about" and "do what you love". Sounds good.  (However when it comes to making a living, what you are passionate about might best stay a hobby, depending on what it is.) Often doing what you love means doing what you are good at. …

Control the inputs into your life

I wrote about this on January 23, 2015.  It's a really important idea. What if you had crappy ingredients - could you bake a good cake? What about the inputs into your life? Food?  Fluid?  Sensory inputs - what you read, watch and listen to?  Voices - friends, people around…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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