Comparison – the thief of joy.
Looking at others for inspiration and good examples is fine. But too often, people get envious, jealous, or feel inferior. That's not good. There will always be someone with more muscles, more money, better looking, bigger boat, more and nicer cars, or more smarts than you. This should not be…

You are the world
We don't see things as they are, we see things as WE are. Two people will be looking at the same thing, and see it differently. We are our own truth. Our lens is unique. It's based on decisions we already made about ourselves, other people, and about the world.…

When bad things happen part 2
continued thoughts on "When life hits you hard" by Jordan Petersen - Responsibility is not a burden. It is the path forward. The more responsibility you take, the stronger you become. You're a person who is actively creating your future. When life knocks you down, resist the urge to stay…

When bad things happen…
I got these notes from Jordan Petersen. When life hits you hard - Accept it and don't deny reality, don't argue with what is. Own it - don't blame others; reclaim your power. Decide who you want to be because of it - coming out of it. Let go of…

My goal is to build a life I don't need a vacation from.
"My goal is to build a life I don't need a vacation from." - Rob Hill I wrote this quote down some time ago in my gym while I was working out. I always keep a pad and pen handy to capture ideas. I came across it again tonight. It's…

Try to control only what you can.
Stoicism is kind of like "the Serenity prayer philosophy". "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Many people try to control the things they can't control. Some people try to…

Confidence is the foundation of courage and the mainspring of action. - Yoritomo Tashi, 1186 AD Confidence comes from preparation.

Steering your life in your favor
Life is full of decisions. Days are too. A decision is an intersection. Go this way or that way. Having goals is important. Know what outcome you want and where you want to end up. Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor. They tell you…

Doing what you love doesn't mean it's fun all the time
We hear "do what you are passionate about" and "do what you love". Sounds good. (However when it comes to making a living, what you are passionate about might best stay a hobby, depending on what it is.) Often doing what you love means doing what you are good at. …

Control the inputs into your life
I wrote about this on January 23, 2015. It's a really important idea. What if you had crappy ingredients - could you bake a good cake? What about the inputs into your life? Food? Fluid? Sensory inputs - what you read, watch and listen to? Voices - friends, people around…

Comparison – the thief of joy.
Looking at others for inspiration and good examples is fine.
But too often, people get envious, jealous, or feel inferior. That’s not good.
There will always be someone with more muscles, more money, better looking, bigger boat, more and nicer cars, or more smarts than you. This should not be a surprise. If we should feel bad if someone is doing better, then the reverse is also true – we should feel good when people are doing worse than us – and that is twisted too.
We are all not the same. Don’t pin your happiness on what other people have. Chances are it’s a public front, and their life is not what they make it appear to be anyway. Everyone is struggling with something. That should not make you feel better, but to feel a common humanity with everyone.
If you are not trying and doing the least you can, or doing bad things, you should feel bad about yourself – bad enough to change.
But if you are doing your best and getting out of your comfort zone from time to time to get better, you’re doing great.
Don’t compare to determine if you are happy or not.
Control the controllables and let go of the rest. Be grateful.
Develop your unique ability. Do your best with what you have and keep getting better.
Make you proud.
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You are the world
We don’t see things as they are, we see things as WE are.
Two people will be looking at the same thing, and see it differently.
We are our own truth.
Our lens is unique. It’s based on decisions we already made about ourselves, other people, and about the world.
We look to confirm our decisions and beliefs.
The good news is, we can make new decisions, and replace a belief with a new one.
Create your own reality.
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When bad things happen part 2
continued thoughts on “When life hits you hard” by Jordan Petersen –
Responsibility is not a burden. It is the path forward. The more responsibility you take, the stronger you become. You’re a person who is actively creating your future.
When life knocks you down, resist the urge to stay there. Take an honest look at what is in your control and start there because even the smallest steps taken consistently can lead you out of the darkest places.
Master your emotions instead of letting them master you. This is not easy. (Don’t listen to yourself – talk to yourself.) Emotions are signals – trying to tell you something. If you react impulsively, you destroy relationships. If you ignore emotions, that creates suffering too.
Recognize your emotions without letting them dictate your actions. Instead of “I am angry”, say “I feel anger rising in me” – that puts a little distance between you and the emotions.
Feelings are temporary, but your actions can have lasting consequences. Ask, “Why am I feeling this? What are my emotions trying to tell me?” Channel your emotions to fuel action toward something meaningful. Remind yourself – you are not your emotions.
Take responsibility for what you can control and let go of what you can’t. Make the distinction between what you can control and what you can’t. Control your mindset, attitude, and actions.
Bad things happen – will you define yourself by what happened or by how you respond to it?
Great and timely message as I keep fighting through my recovery of a stroke. I still cannot feel the entire left side of my body from head to toe. I still get up daily and manage our team💪. Get some!
Thanks, Larry – very timely posts yesterday and today with regard to dealing with a particularly difficult colleague in an inescapable daily interaction.
Hope you have a successful and fulfilling day!
When life knocks me down, theses lyrics from Chumbawamba’s song, ‘Tubthumping’ sing through my mind:
“I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down”
Go, Team Tetreault!
How I respond to it.
I do enjoy and agree with so much he says! thanks for sharing
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When bad things happen…
I got these notes from Jordan Petersen.
When life hits you hard –
Accept it and don’t deny reality, don’t argue with what is.
Own it – don’t blame others; reclaim your power.
Decide who you want to be because of it – coming out of it.
Let go of what you cannot control. You cannot always control what is going on in the outside world, but you must control what is going on in your inside world – your thoughts, emotions, and attitude.
Stop wasting energy on what you can’t control – then you can reclaim that energy for moving forward.
Isolation is not a good strategy. It is a slow decent into despair. When you are at your lowest, your own mind is your enemy. It traps you into negative thoughts. Resist the urge to retreat into yourself. Reach out to people who will be helpful, not those who will validate your worst fear. A mentor.
Bring your thoughts out into the light where they can be examined and challenged. When you talk your thoughts out loud, they begin to shrink. Connection reminds you that you are not alone. Pain isolates. Healing happens in connection with others. Find your people and talk it out.
Reclaim your agency in the middle of the storm. When you go from “Why is this happening to me?” to “What can I do about it?”, you become the architect of the way forward.
More on this tomorrow….
Good thought for today,….. very timely,… thank you
I love this idea and mentality. I frequently remind myself of the “Serenity Prayer” that you mentioned recently and find that a number of things that would have driven the old me up the walls can be categorized under “things I can’t change” and therefor things I can no longer dwell on. Just like you said, I ask myself “What can I do about this NOW?”
Thank you for always hitting home with your messages, Larry!
I can’t agree with these words more. So many times we waste precious time and energy raging at what has already happened. We cannot change that. But, we can absolutely decide how we react to it. Own your reaction and you retain your power and strength.
This one hits home. When my business failed, I took what felt like a big hit financially and emotionally, it felt like falling into the abyss. I paid the dumb tax, and learned fast. You don’t know what you don’t know. By chance I got connected with someone years ahead of me and was quickly able to turn that failure into fuel. I started to see possibilities not limitations and now I’m back to building that brand in a big way. This message is another touch point; a reminder that success isn’t about never falling, it’s about how fast you get back up and turn adversity into advantage. Life is happening for us; not to us! Thanks for sharing this one
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My goal is to build a life I don't need a vacation from.
“My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from.” – Rob Hill
I wrote this quote down some time ago in my gym while I was working out. I always keep a pad and pen handy to capture ideas. I came across it again tonight. It’s nighttime. For those of you that are new, I’ll tell you a secret – but let’s keep it between us, ok? I am not up each morning before 6 am eastern time writing Think Daily messages. I write them in advance – usually about one week ahead, and they go out at the exact same time each morning. Mostly I write in the mornings, and mostly on weekend mornings.
One subscriber asked if I write the messages. Humph… Yes they are written by AI – Actual Intelligence. LJAI to be exact.
So, about this idea of having a life you don’t need a vacation from. I think I am there. I love what I do, and I don’t get into any ruts. Maybe I’ll have a day that did not go well, which is often because I had too much expectation of how much I’d get done, and ran out the clock before I got it all done. A day filled with unplanned distractions might throw me off. I’m pretty set on what I want to slay in any one day, and I get great satisfaction of it all goes to my ambitious expectations.
I live in Connecticut. I was born here. I love Connecticut. I think many people have an affinity to where they were born. But we have winter. Winter stinks. Well, I used to think that. Maybe it’s PTSD from when I was framing houses. 15 degrees? Foot of snow? No matter. I needed to eat. Get out there and shovel the first-floor deck I framed yesterday and build those walls, boy! Just kidding about the PTSD. I loved what I was doing. I built my first of 23 houses when I was 18 years old. It was an adventure, and I still feel like I am on that adventure!
Maybe why I think winter stinks is that my hobby is being outside and riding dirt bikes and working in the woods or building stuff like stone walls and trails and bridges, and in the winter it’s no fun. But now I realize, honestly as I type this post, that winter gives me the chance to be someone else for a while, to do different things and live in a different world. When spring comes I am ready and appreciate the world of spring, then of summer, then of fall. The seasons are different here, and it all contributes to my not getting bored with my life.
Winter used to get me down, but I snapped out of that three years ago. Now I embrace it. Cold? Good. Rain – Good. Snow? Good. Whatever – good!
I love my work, and creating something from nothing. I love my home, and love it more since I rebuilt it from a fire ten years ago where I lost the house and everything in it. I love the diversity of people I know and call friends. I am blessed to have the capacity to have crafted this life and to recognize it was in me to do so.
When I travel, it’s not for a vacation from my life. I love my life.
There is no more important work for you than to design and create a life that is fulfilling and joyful. One where your activities match your values and one that you are proud of.
Life is the ultimate creative act.
I hope you take advantage of your chance and have no regrets in the end.
Good morning! I loved your message today and it resonates loudly with me! I to feel like I have built a life that I don’t need a vacation from. Everyday is a gift and we should treat it as such!
One of the things that makes my life so wonderful is the nine (9) children that I have!
Larry good morning. Former neighbor here. We snowmobile during the winter mostly in Vermont. Great trail system with restaurants and gas stations to fill up when needed. Our entire family rides. The kids started very young and still ride when they can. I think you’d love it seeing you like dirt biking and the outdoors. If you never did it and are interested feel free to reach out to me.
Bob Donato
Thank you for this message:
“My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from.”
It seems to be about the best statement I’ve read that (in my opinion) summarizes what you’ve been trying to get us all to under with your Daily’s… and I’ve read 1000’s. Thank you for those as well !!
Hey Larry…I have started a flight company exclusivly for bald people, its called receding airlines…
I have 5 kids…and a new business venture.
“Cold? Good. Rain – Good. Snow? Good. Whatever – good!”
I heard the same statement about making sure everything that happens is good…I think it was Jocko W podcast.
I am quickly learning this is the best way to deal with issues and trials.
Thank you for the encouragement each morning!
4 kids!! a 22 yr old, twin 9 yr olds and an almost 2 year old toddler plus a grandson on the way!! good morning everyone, Happy Friday!!
Good morning Larry — I appreciate you and value our friendship!
I read above Willis has 9 children… something tells me, he’s gonna win.
I have 5 kids and grandchild #8 (Sage Mia Burlison) was born just a couple weeks ago. Life is 10X!
Good morning Larry,
For over a year now since joining a great team in the CN, I have been amazed by how simple you have made it for me to follow a laid out path to learn and grow professionally and personally. Today, your powerful transcendental message again sums it all up so clearly for me.
I’m far from not hearing the calls tempting me to disengage and take escapist breaks from life, but man do your words paint a picture of what can be, making me think… maybe it’s all not that complicated after all.
Very grateful sir! 🙏
Thank you for this Larry. Kids? 20! I just completed the succession of my 40 year old design build business. We are architects, interior designers, cabinet makers GC and project managers. I have been blessed to live the work and life I’ve designed for myself. The team I’ve built has been with me a long time and I was able to finance the purchase of the company. I’m not retiring, I’ll have access to our woodshop and will be making furniture, lamps learning to weld and make sculptures. I’ve been reading your posts for yeats and they are a great way to start a day with intention and the goal of continuous improvement.Thanks for doing what you do. Also was an enthusiastic dirt biker a long time ago. Now a sailor. Cheers, Tim
Been here my whole life – love CT too!
This is awesome. Wish everyone felt this way. People who want to “get away” forget one thing. No matter where you go, there you are.
Thank you Larry, I believe I have a life worth living today and I’m grateful. I still look forward to my vacations, but in a different perspective these days.
We have some sales guys with 7+…
But I’ll start- 4.
I have 5 beautiful girls! Yes, all girls.
Attitude is a big thing in our lives! Depends how you embrace it. Thank you Larry for your think daily. And I would love to meet you one day.
Thank you Larrry for this lovely message. I loved living in Connecticut and truly enjoyed what each season had to offer. I always looked forward to going to work and trying to make improvements and things better for patients and my employees. Thanks for sharing your wisdom every day!
Grateful for my five children. Blessed. New England is where it’s at!
Thats why I love Buffalo, NY.. cold winter but awesome Spring! You appreciate the seasons more!
Hey Larry, I loved this message today! Happy to say I also have a life that I don’t need a vacation from. I quit my corporate job when I was 35 and became an entrepreneur. It took me several years, but I don’t feel like I need vacations now. I’m loving life and doing what I love every day! 4 kids…
I love all my 133 kids. (Employees).
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Try to control only what you can.
Stoicism is kind of like “the Serenity prayer philosophy”. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Many people try to control the things they can’t control. Some people try to control everything. This only leads to frustration and wasting a lot of energy on futile efforts. You can’t control other people for example. The only thing you can do there is stay away from people who are trouble, and get with people who are inherently like the people you want to be with. Still, there may be a surprise now and again.
Other people don’t try to control the things that ARE within their control. This leads to helplessness and victimhood.
So trying to control everything, and not controlling anything are both strategies that lead to failure.
The key is discerning what is within your control and what is not. Then let go of what is NOT in your control, and control what is.
Even if it seems like nothing is in your control in the outside world, you should always control your inside world – your mindset, attitude, thoughts and actions. By controlling those things, you take control of your future, and shape it into something you want.
Think about your situation. What is in your control and what is not?
Are you trying to control what you cannot?
Are you controlling what you can?
Hey Larry, thanks for the acknowledgment! You always make my day when I read the messages you share with us on “Think Daily” and “Think Daily for Business” God Bless you and yours! ♥️
Funny thing is, it’s hard enough to “contol” oneself let alone think you can “contol” others. Have a blessed rest of your week.
I love Dad jokes!
What do mermaids wash their fins with?
Over the years I have learned i can only control my attitudes and behaviors and the way I respond to outside forces. I can’t control people, places, things, situations, outcomes. I’m grateful I know that today. Thank You Larry!!
What did the chicken say to the scrambled eggs? Crazy mixed up kids!
Larry – LOVE your daily emails. So much great content. Most of my jokes are bad. But this was my oldest daughter’s favorite:
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Duwan who?
Do you wan go to the store and buy me some candy!
What’s good about a broken vacuum?
At least it doesn’t suck.
Well said! A great reminder to take ownership, own our side of the street, and take action.
what do you call 10 rabbits marching backwards?
A receding hairline
Why do Norwegian ships have barcodes on them?
So when they come into port, they can scandinavian.
I would love to see Ryan speak at CN Live. I think he could provide a very good breakout for Owners/GM. I’ve listened to almost all his podcast episodes for the last 18 months, he’s a wonderful thinker. He has a way of making the subtle nuances of life that evade many of us (the way we act, causing good or bad leadership) appear clear and obvious.
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Confidence is the foundation of courage and the mainspring of action. – Yoritomo Tashi, 1186 AD
Confidence comes from preparation.
Goodmorning from California! – Sunshine, year round surfing, moutain biking, mx tracks galore, desert, mountains (Yeah it’s a political mess, but so what, doesn’t take away from the fun)
Hey from Oregon!!
Good morning from Oregon! Can’t wait for the next Into The Dust. They are my favorite!
As is said amongst the Navy Seals “you don’t rise to the occasion but rather sink to your level in f preparation and training
Great message. Thank you, Larry! I too am very grateful for Judy Gebers. There are no better people in this industry than the Gebers family!
I will always remember what Dustin Geebers did for my husband Michael Lane when he started a Go Fund Me that sent Michael to Germany for cancer treatment! And how Larry and the entire network helped our family for five long years and beyond. You will never know the countless people, doctors and patients alike, that benefitted from your generosity. Thank you all so much🙏
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Steering your life in your favor
Life is full of decisions. Days are too. A decision is an intersection. Go this way or that way.
Having goals is important. Know what outcome you want and where you want to end up.
Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.
They tell you what direction to take at all those intersections.
Are you clear and firm on your goals?
When you come to an intersection MAKE a decision. Right or wrong make a decision. The road is full of flat squirrels that couldn’t decide.
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Doing what you love doesn't mean it's fun all the time
We hear “do what you are passionate about” and “do what you love”.
Sounds good. (However when it comes to making a living, what you are passionate about might best stay a hobby, depending on what it is.)
Often doing what you love means doing what you are good at. Some things come to us far more easily than they do to other people because we have a unique ability or talent in that area.
Still, doing what you are passionate about or love or are good at will not be fun much of the time. Good thing you love/like/find purpose in it. Combining what you love with discipline and will and not quitting will be a formidable combination that will yield great results.
Love + Discipline.
Truth 🙏
I got this from reading Kim Komando digital goddess’s email
Why do all astronauts use a Mac? Because it’s so dangerous to open windows in space. (Total dad joke, I know.)
Good advice.
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Control the inputs into your life
I wrote about this on January 23, 2015. It’s a really important idea.
What if you had crappy ingredients – could you bake a good cake?
What about the inputs into your life?
Sensory inputs – what you read, watch and listen to?
Voices – friends, people around you?
(Tonight I had pizza. The first piece tasted good. But I felt like crap afterwards. Dang. And I worked all day (Sunday) doing heavy carpentry work in my barn – but you can’t outwork a bad diet. No more dang pizza!)
I did listen to two audiobooks this weekend while I was working.
If I can have quality inputs, I can build a quality life.
It’s pretty hard to have a quality life if we have poor-quality inputs.
How are yours?
Thank goodness i can still eat pizza 😀 . There is a lot to be said for we are what we “ingest,” spiritually, intellectually, physically.
Inputs matter. Not sure where I heard this, but it’s worth repeating: the food that fills your body forms the way you feel; the content you consume informs the way you think.
It is so funny you posted this. I literally had a lazy night the other day with long work days for my wife and I and kids sporting events and so we deferred to pizza for dinner. I woke up the next morning and walked up to my wife and said, “no more pizza, that just does not work anymore.” Ha ha, not young enough anymore for pizza to just be another thing to eat. What you consume in all aspects of life define you and I could not agree more with this post. The art is being able to control it all. The scary inputs are the ones that do not give the immediate negative reinforcement that the pizza gives now. Those are the dangerous ones.
I guess you could say that when it comes to inputs, I choose Quality 1st.
I don’t know what you guys I like cauliflower crust pizza. Good toppings on it well yeah it’s still pizza.
I am very much enjoying this series from the Shogun. Thanks Larry for your insight.
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Please stop sending si many emails. When you send so many we stop reading them and miss the one that actually is important.
This!!! Is awesome.
This is so true. Envy and covetousness are severe ills that many/most/all people struggle with. Social media has capitalized on those weaknesses unfortunately. We need to remember to unplug and do it often. The grass is rarely ever greener on the other side. Greener in some ways maybe but absolutely dead in others.
Thank you for taking the time to write these everyday! It’s a great way to start my day and makes for good reading later if I miss one. Keep up the good work and know that it’s greatly appreciated!
Perfect photo!
I could heckle your picture…butt I won’t.