All people have strengths and weaknesses, and leaders are no exception. A leader must KNOW what his/her weaknesses are so they can avoid their weaknesses from becoming problems in their career and organization.
A leader who doesn’t understand their weaknesses can be a weak leader.
You can hire around your weaknesses, and defer to other experts in areas you are not good in.
What are your personal weaknesses?
My Weakness is that I am a “Generalist” and not a “Specialist”. However being a Generalist is not necessarily a bad thing.
Being a “Generalist” I leave certain aspects of our business in qualified external hands such as Accountants, Lawyers,Financial Adviser’s, Spiritual Leaders, etc., to guide us utilizing their expertise. Internally, I rely on the quality people that were hired for their knowledge and wisdom. I take their information, process it, and develop an appropriate plan to guide my organization.
I am, and my business is, highly regarded in its field. By being a “Generalist” I provide vision, leadership guidance, goals and mid-course correction in this dynamic world we live. I utilize both the internal and external “Specialists” to accomplish what we set out to do.
So my weakness is not necessarily a weakness at all it is a formidable “Strength”. It would be a weakness if I didn’t realize I had the resources around me to be utilized. However, it would be a weakness if I didn’t implement their benefits.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your column and your adventures in Mexico.
All the Best,
Steven Roth
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