It ain't (supposed to be) easy

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Being a business owner is not an easy life – it’s hard.  There will be bad days.  You will be beaten up, cursed, and unduly burdened.  You will be responsible for all sorts of problems you didn’t personally or directly create.  You will be held accountable for the actions of all your employees.  You will struggle much of the time.

You have to believe in what you are doing and why.  There will be some bright spots.  The good moments have to give you the strength to endure the bad ones.  The good days have to carry the bad ones.  

If you feel this way – don’t worry, it’s normal!  Keep learning and keep going!

Michael S Lanzo

Merry Christmas to you and yours Larry. Thank you for another wonderful year of sharing your time along with real world knowledge. That I’m sure has helped many people grow. You’re appreciated sir.

David H.

Merry Christmas


May the holiday season be a bless one for you and your family’s..Merry Christmas


Joyeux noël Larry et merci pour tout

Michael Woodford

When things get difficult I like to tell my people “if it was easy then anyone could do it”. They appreciate that I know they are up to challenges.

Thanks for the four wheeler ride this summer that was an awesome way to conclude a fabulous week.

Merry Christmas Larry!

Josh Lowe

So true. Thanks for the uplift this morning and all your inspiration throughout the year!
You and your wonderful family have a blessed Merry Christmas!

Bill Campbell

Phew! Just when I thought I was the only one to feel like that. Thank you Larry for all your valued and treasured insights. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Mike Wytenus

Thanks for the excellent timing of this Larry. Peace to you, your family and the awesome team down in Seymour, CT!

If I could share back one of my favorite quotes:

“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing – Teddy Roosevelt.”

Blair Scoresby

So why do we do it?

Its exciting and we love doing it.

Bruce A

How the hell did you get in my head!


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