
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

What happened?  Who did what in the past that you’re still carrying around everywhere you go? Isn’t it time to forgive? Your judgements about whether they deserve to be forgiven are missing the point.  

Don’t YOU deserve to be released?  

Forgive and let it go.  Free yourself.  Be light.  


You speak the truth Larry. Harboring resentments and anger, only drains you of energy needed to do great things.

Josh smith

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting it to hurt the person who did something to you. Let it go and move forward, not worth the burden.

Doug Forsthoff

In Biblical context, the word for “taking offense” has to do with a trap…when we “take offense”. hold onto it and don’t forgive, WE are the ones who are trapped…not the one who we do not forgive.


what a good reminder, thanks!


Awesome reminder!!


I was just reading about forgiveness – so true! Thank you for your personally and professionally enriching words each day…

Jim Coe

Wow! Thanks for sharing. I need to stop letting my ex wife rent space in my mind and let be positive energy instead!

Tim Byrne

How does is serve me to feel bad about what happened in the past Firstly I have to judge it as BAD and then choose to continue to carry it around Seems like a lot of unnecessary work to me I like to drop it and lighten up Thanks Larry Have a great day

Dan Weise

Wow is right. This (forgiving) is something I NEED to work on. I’ve been confusing forgiving with forgetting. Thanks for the reminder, I can use to lighten up! Tomorrow will be amazing!

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