Fund the students, not the schools

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Many public schools are good.  But in some are not.  Should we have a society where only the well-to-do can afford a good education for their children? What if we gave the money to the kids and told them they can go to the public school or any other school they wanted, so long as they go to school?

When schools know you have the power to leave, and when you do the resources go with you, they tend to change their behavior.  Either that or many private schools will fill in the quality gap.

What do you think?

James Mainz

I agree. Sounds like a very good philosophy. Can you make me president and I will get it done…?

Brian Cox

I completely agree. A subsidized program will likely never excel or push for high quality when the funds are not contingent on performance. A free and truly capitalist market creates quality and affordability since the market demands the quality and ultimately sets the price.

Chris Kiley

School vouchers, let parents and kids decide. Of course Unions are the blockage here. He who controls the purse strings controls the decisions. If towns we lived in, did not charge taxes for schools but each parent had to write a check to whatever school their child attended do you think parents would be more vested in the decisions of their child’s education? Do you think the education received would be better knowing each student had a choice to stay or leave? Parents who opt for private education pay twice, once in their taxes and once to the school of choice, vouchers eliminate a double tax and creates a better and competitive educational system.

Jacques Bouchard

It sounds like a great idea — but I wonder if the privileged would still find a way to get their kids in the best schools over other people. I haven’t seen a system that couldn’t be corrupted.

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