Invisible Forces

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

It’s what is going on inside that determines what you do, and your results on the outside. 

That invisible determination, discipline, integrity, caring, and willingness (or unwillingness) makes all the difference.

What’s in you? 

Summon it.


What happens when a human summons those forces and takes advantage of them for survival for a long period of time because the conditions are not optimal and it is the only way to carry forward? The body, if abused in this manner for an extended period of time starts deteriorating and the immune system is the first that weakens making the body vulnerable to parasites and deseases.


An example for this is when a shepard is calling wolf. Everyone from the town drops everything they do to run to help the poor shephard only to find out that he was testing them and amusing himself. When the wolf attacks for real the town people ignore the cry for help because they think the shephars is playing again.


We develop certain defens mechanisms because we can not afford to drop everything all the time and summon our internal forces and push ourselves above the red line for an extended period. Everything in this world has a price when the balance is thrown off. Summon the forces to keep calm and internal peace because the price we pay to achieve certain goals is not worth it.

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