What is your hobby? A sport like football or tennis? A craft like quilting or models? Collecting something? Restoring things? Coaching a team?
Chances our our hooby requires a great deal of preparation and work – but we do it anyway even though it doesn’t pay, but it likely costs us money.
What does that say about your attitude towards the job you do for money?
If you could make money at something you’d do for free – wouldn’t that be something?
We could find something we’d do for free and figure out how to make money at it, or find something we can make money at and figure out how to design the job that we’d like it a lot better.
Like reading books, summarizing and extracting the main points? Give me a job like that and I will take it.
Building an intellectual network enables one to make important connections, build relationships, influence the market with the right ideas, get access the free data in exchange of marketing …
Albert Einstein expanded his knowledge in a simmilar way while working as a research paper analyst at one of the offices in charge of accepting and approving new inventions and theories.
Listen to the market and what it wants or needs … Nowadays people do not have the time and energy to read so they turn to the guy who does for trustsworthy information and proven facts … Win/Win
Resurecting an old concept, even on a Sunday, and immaculately implementing its function in many cases provides miraculous events. Only one way to find out if it worked and that is to wait and see.