Get the right people quickly

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If you have been a subscriber for some time, you see me give advice regarding keeping your people, and that turnover kills you.  Each time a person leaves and you have to hire a new one, that piece of your business is brand new.

You also hear me say that if you have the wrong person you need to recognize it and let them go elsewhere so you can find the right person for that seat.

The idea between them is that you need to get the right people and keep them as quickly as possible.  If you made a hiring mistake, fix it and get the right person there.  Don’t string out this process for any more months or years as it needs to take.

It takes plenty of time even if you do it right.  Don’t make it take any longer than it has to.

Once you get the right people in the right seats, then they can build their knowledge and experience and teamwork – and that’s when things get fun.

A leader is team-builder-in-chief.  The better and faster you can do that job, the faster your business will pop.

Aaron Stull

Great meeting!

Harry Burlakoff

Agreed, I am going through that myself, now is tghe time

Pat Alber

Hello from New Jersey. We have a great team and I’m grateful for the work they do to make our company’s reputation in the area the best it can be. We take care of them and they take care of our customers.

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