Relationships really matter

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

In business, it’s not just about what you do and what results you get.

It’s about HOW you do it and cultivating positive relationships as you do it.

If plenty of people are talking bad about you, or if you burn relationships with people and find you always have to get new employees, clients, and suppliers, you are most definitely doing it wrong.

You have to be a good human who wants to do right by people first.  Character counts.  Caring counts.

Then you have to make a business model that works for everyone else (first) AND you.  

Then you have to figure out how to be great at marketing and selling to a greater number of people so that when you are doing good, you are doing it for many.

Even if you have money in your pocket, if you don’t have good relationships, it’s not worth it.

Do right by people and be nice.



Jeff Russell

Well said, Larry. To me, the most important thing in my life is the relationships I have developed with my friends and family. I feel very confident in that I form trust with everyone I cross paths with. Not all relationships are built to last, some don’t and that’s ok. Move on and accept the lesson when the don’t! Thank you for always keeping it real with us all.
Congrats, Tanner. WOW!

tom matthews

Sound advice – thank you, Larry.

Judy Gebers

Well said…Nice Matters!

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