There's nothing wrong with being wrong

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“If anyone can prove and show me that I think and act in error, I will gladly change it – for I seek truth, by which no one has ever been harmed.  The one who is harmed is the one who abides in deceit and ignorance.” – Marcus Aurelius

If you are getting better then you SHOULD be changing your mind about things. 

Do you want the same ideas, beliefs, and philosophies that you had when you were 25 years old when you are 50?

Search for truth, not validation that you are right.

It’s ok to see and admit you were wrong and change your mind.

Jeff Russell

A wise man has become wise by learning what not to do. Not admitting a mistake, never solved a problem.

Ben Bates

I’ve always thought Ryan would make a great guest speaker at CN Live!

Jerry Evangelatos

Thank you Larry. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius has definitely stood the test of time. Good luck in Maroco!! #1!

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