Have compassion

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Life is finding the sweet spot.  Not too little, and not too much.

Many people these days are not challenged or tested enough.  But entrepreneurs are different.  We signed up for challenge and problems that test who we are and what we can take.  

We can be hard on ourselves with our expectations. (This can make us hard on others too.)

When we get beat up in the arena of business and leadership life we have to know when to press and when to regroup and restore our own spirit.

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” – Jack Kornfield

When reality falls short of expectation and you habitually beat yourself up about it, you’ll wind up with stress, health problems, and a poor quality of life. 

You are doing this to make your life better, not worse.

Be patient with results coming, while you are impatient with action to get them.

Go easy on you.  

As you pursue it seriously, hold it loosely.

Jerry Allison

Thank you for your insights. They are meaningful and actually help. Your voice helps others.

Michael Haydamous

This came right on time! Thank you Larry

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