Where breakthroughs come from…

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“When you look at most of the breakthroughs you have had in your life, most of them probably came out of an area of life that just wasn’t working.  There was pain and you had to navigate through it.

When you have to figure something out, tap into resourcefulness, or develop a skill, talent or capability to get through difficult situations, it breeds a breakthrough.” – Joe Polish

In order to have a breakthrough, something’s got to break.

Has that been true in your life?

Todd Hudson

Great way to start the day! Good morning from Carolina Basement Systems!!

Jeff Russell

True for sure in my life. Sometimes I wait too long to get going on something. Mostly because I give too much time to others to try to let them learn and guide them. I have found out many times that waiting, only hurts the situation. I’m figuring out that getting deeper involved and trusting my intuition is more critical earlier on.

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